12-Year-Old Matthew Proietti Emerges as the Rising Star of Martial Arts in Italy

TREVI – Other than Musk and Zuckerberg, the true talent of martial arts comes from Trevi. Is called Matthew Proietti (Photo) and he is only 12 years old, but he is already the absolute ETF Italian Kick Boxing Champion in the Cadet category.

“He shoots like Van Damme, he’s good at school and he’s an example for all the other kids.” This is how the Master describes it Elia Gnozzawho has been following him since 2020, when due to Covid, Matteo decided to leave Judo to devote himself to martial arts and combat sports more generally and today he is already a small kick boxing talent.

It was there that welcomed him with open arms Fighter Center 2.0which is located in the commercial park of Piazza Umbra, directed by master Gnozza, ready to make his forty-year experience in the martial arts and combat sports available to Matteo.

“Matteo has a unique technique and is very strong – says the Master – with him we have started a path of growth which, once of age, aims at becoming a professional abroad. Even though he was only 12 years old, in his first competitive season (lightweight fighting in maximum safety) he had already won the Italian cadet title, beating even 15-year-old boys much older. He trains every day and in my opinion he is already ready for MMA ”.

“Matteo is very passionate about combat sports – says the mother – can’t wait to go to the gym. Part of the credit also goes to Maestro Elia who made him fall in love with this sport. It’s not just fun because there are also rules to respect”.

In short Matteo is only at the beginning, but if a good day starts in the morning his will be a long career, full of successes and satisfactions.

The first could arrive in front of the home crowd because in November the little “Van Damme” from Treviso will be engaged right in Trevi in ​​the Umbrian stage of the Italian kick boxing Championships.

So come on Matthew…

2023-08-23 16:59:24
#Trevi #kick #boxing #talent #Matteo #Proietti #ready #challenge #Musk #Zuckerberg


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