Bakery Basket Piacenza Announces Starting Lineup for Old Wild West 2023/24 National Serie B Championship

The Bakery Basket Piacenza announces that tomorrow, Thursday 17 August, at 18:00 at the PalaBakery in Largo Anguissola the first red and white team will meet to be at the starting line of the Old Wild West 2023/24 National Serie B championship.

This is the complete list of players called up by coach Augusto Conti, with their personal data, position and numbering:

William Luke Wiltshire, 2001, 197 cm, wing, number 0

Martino Criconia, 1998, 196 cm, guard, number 3

Matteo Barattieri, 2005, 195 cm, wing, number 5

Antonio Jacopo Soviero, 2001, 190 cm, point guard, number 7

Zakaria El Agbani, 2001, 186 cm, guard, number 8

Benjamin Marchiaro (Argentina), 2004, 194 cm, guard, number 10

Mattia Mastroianni, 1994, 203 cm, wing, number 11

Lucas Maglietti (Argentina), 2003, 181 cm, point guard, number 12

Tommaso Perugino, 2005, 182 cm, guard, number 15

Mattia Civetta, 2005, 190 cm, wing, number 16

Luca Manenti, 2002, 203 cm, wing/center, number 17

Mattia Molinari, 2005, 190 cm, guard, number 20

Samuele Ringressi, 2004, 177 cm, guard, number 22

Jure Besedic (Slovenia), 1992, 207 cm, center, number 88

Pietro Alberici, 2005, 198 cm, wing, number 99

Tomorrow the team will meet and the players will get to know each other and the new environment and technical staff. From Friday the athletes will carry out the first physical tests and the ritual medical visits before starting preparation on the pitch with the ball and the first tactical indications.

“We are a very young and completely new team – declares coach Augusto Conti – and we can’t wait to start working. We will have to improve a lot both individually and as a team, day after day, through our daily work. We will need to put faith in our work and be solid because the championship is competitive and difficult, and we will have to be good at being ready by taking a step forward every day. Knowing also, however, that the young guys we have chosen and who have our full trust will sometimes need to take a step back and then take two steps forward. We will certainly need the support of the whole environment and I am sure of the motivations of the whole team. I promise the maximum and ferocious commitment and we hope to deserve the sympathy of the public on the parquet. It would be nice if this young group was soon one with the PalaBakery. This is why we are waiting for all the numerous fans at the arena”.

2023-08-16 20:00:20
#season #Bakery #Piacenza #officially #kicks


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