Bicycle helmet: how to wear it and adjust it correctly

Il bicycle helmet is obligatory in Italy only for children under 14, while for adults, in the highway code concerning bicycles, everything is left to individual sensitivity: there are those who consider it more a problem than a solution and those who instead are convinced that is a life-saving accessory. However, one thing is certain: even more than not using it consciously, the worst thing is to wear and adjust your bicycle, MTB or road bike helmet incorrectly.

How to wear and adjust a bicycle helmet correctly

The first rule for wear and adjust your bicycle helmet correctly is to take it to the right size. Yes, bike helmets are sold in sizes, each of which corresponds to a range of circumferences expressed in cm. The good news is that virtually every bicycle helmet now has one micrometric adjustment wheel which allows to reduce the inevitable and minimal tolerance. But when is a helmet the right size? When worn without fastening it, and only with the possible adjustment of the rear wheel, it does not move if we turn our head left and right as if to say no. If this happens, the bike helmet is the right size.

How to wear a bicycle helmet

The correct way to wear a bicycle helmet is to protect the head from violent blows in the event of a fall. Of course, especially for MTB there can also be accidental bumps from branches and stones (and here you can find how to choose the right off-road helmet), but the bike helmet must protect above all in the event that you fall and hit the head. The question therefore concerns above all the front-to-back tilt, even more than the sides. In fact, too often cyclists are seen wearing their helmets very raised on their foreheads, which certainly allows their heads to ventilate better but could be very dangerous in the case of falls backwards and blows to the back of the head. The helmet is worn leaving a horizontal space of 2 fingers between the front panel, or the front edge, and the nose attachment: once this measurement is taken, then the consequent adjustments are made, the micrometric one and that of the strap.

How to adjust the bicycle helmet

The micrometric adjustment of the helmet circumference it must be firm. Not tight but firm. A good trick that any bike enthusiast can recommend is to tighten the rear wheel and then, as soon as you feel it pressing on the skin, let go of 1 cleat by loosening the micrometric adjustment. In this way the helmet should neither rotate nor rock forward or backward.

Then there is the chin strap adjustment, which makes cyclists discuss a lot. The first rule is that it shouldn’t be too loose: it’s true that the strap can be annoying, especially in the heat, but a loose strap means that the helmet can fly off in the event of a fall, and therefore be totally useless. A good trick can be to adjust the strap while keeping your mouth wide open and pulling it until it adheres well without squeezing: in this way then, with the mouth closed, it will be firm without pressing and causing discomfort. Just as important as the strap adjustment is the position of the buckles: they must not be under or next to the jaw but immediately under the earlobe where it will not cause damage in the event of falls and lateral blows to the head or face.
Credits photo: Pexels CC


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2023-08-09 08:05:40
#Bicycle #helmet #wear #adjust #correctly


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