BYU Cougars Defeat Basketball Trieste in Season Opener: Final Score 84-73

The red and white people responded already to the first seasonal outing of coach Jamion Christian’s team, who appeared on the PalaTrieste parquet in front of 1350 fans and a Curva Nord that made its voice heard from the first minutes. In front, a team that, although young, promises battle, presenting itself as one of the Big12 of the NCAA Division 1.

The red and whites take the field with Ruzzier, Brooks, Deangeli, Ferrero and Candussi. BYU opened the ball with a triple from Robinson; try to answer Giancarlo Ferrero, however, not finding the three points from the corner. Guests stretch with number 0 Waterman who finds the 3 points again on a drain. Jackson Robinson still finds 2 points from the average bringing his team up 8 to 0. With 7 minutes left on the clock Ariel Filloy makes his debut, taking the place of Eli Brooks. The red and white struggled to find their way to the basket in the first few minutes, but forced the Cougars to make several fouls in the paint. BYU does not seem to want to be subtle and stretches up to a partial 12-0. To break the ice for his Lodo Deangeli who wins two free throws bagging 1/2 of them. Eli Brooks finds the first two points in penetration bringing the partial to 18 to 3 for the Americans. Two minutes from the end of the first half of the game Michele Ruzzier is unlocked and with 5 points in a row shortens the gap between the two teams on 20 to 8 for the guests. The red and whites then taking advantage of the bonus go to the line with Candussi who scores with both free throws, followed closely by Ferrero, who brings his team to minus 8 just before the end of the first quarter, which will close 21 to 12.

The red and whites return to the field for the second ten minutes with the right attitude and shorten first with the usual Ruzzier and then with Ferrero, but BYU is not there and first with Stewart and then with Robinson from 3 they find the swing of the first minutes bringing back the gap between the two teams at 8 points. Ariel Filloy replies that he finds two bombs in a row, but the dialogue between the two continues, keeping the gap between the two teams unchanged. Candussi, who counts on kilos and centimeters, returns to the line where he finds another 2 points, followed by a triple that keeps the red and whites in the game. A furious Candussi continues to lead his team, bringing them back just 3 lengths away from the Americans. The guests adjust the score in the last seconds of the game, it goes to the long break on 46 to 41.

BYU picks up in the third quarter where it left off, making 3’s straight with Hall followed by teammate Robinson bringing the points between the two teams back to 12. Filloy tries to wake up his players with two points from average, but the Cougars continue to hit hard from the arc and the score is 53 to 69 in favor of the Americans with still a quarter to play.

The match ends in the last quarter with applause for both sides from a very warm crowd, never so numerous in a summer friendly. Coach Christian concedes many minutes in the last half of the game to the quartet of young players joining the first team, able to show off in front of the 1350 PalaTrieste. The final score is 73 to 84 in favor of the Cougars, with a Pallacanestro Trieste still busy in the first days of athletic training, which will return to the field on August 29th in Monfalcone for the second summer appointment with the Kapfenberg Bulls team.

BASKETBALL TRIESTE 73 – BYU COUGARS 84 (12-21, 41-46, 53-69)

TRIESTE BASKETBALL: Antonio 2, Bossi, Filloy 16, Rolli, Deangeli 1, Ruzzier 10, Campogrande 7, Candussi 11, Vildera 2, Ferrero 13, Brooks 6, Pieri 2, Obljubech. All. Christian

BYU COUGARS: Watermann 6, Stewart 10, Robinson 26, Atiki 3, Christensen, Tripple, Saunders 2, Johnson 10, Knell 15, Hayhurst, Baker, Hall 8, Traore 4, Khalifa, McGregor. All. Pope


2023-08-22 20:52:54
#Trieste #bitter #outing #BYU #Cougars


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