CN Ibiza will be present at the Tornado class World Championship in Italy

CN Ibiza will be present at the Tornado class World Championship in Italy | CNI

Four sailors attached to Club Náutico Ibiza will take part from tomorrow until the 25th in the World Championship of the Tornado class, a catamaran crewed by two people, in the waters of Dervio, Italy. In the international regatta, 40 crews representing 13 countries will take part. The two crews of Club Náutico Ibiza are made up of Vicente Amengual and Iván Moreno, in the Senior category, and by Roque García and Vicent Jaume Serra in the youth category.

The Ibizan representation plans to arrive today for the beginning of the material verifications and the registration of participants. The ten scheduled tests will take place from Sunday with scheduled departure every day from 1:00 p.m.

Amengual, Moreno, García and Serra participate in this Tornado class world championship in the waters of Lake Como thanks to the help provided by the club and sponsors: Consell Insular d’Ibiza, Ibiza Patrimoni de la Humanitat, One Ibiza Suites , Ladrilleras Ibicencas, Rigging Mar, NeoRotul, Elmar Bergarth and Covicsa.

2023-08-17 04:00:42
#Ibiza #present #Tornado #class #World #Championship #Italy


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