ESL Judo Presents Two Days of Free Entertainment at the Saint-Léger-des-Vignes Municipal Festival

For the second year, the ESL Judo is at the helm of the municipal festival of Saint-Léger-des-Vignes, in collaboration with the municipality. It will be Saturday August 19 and Sunday August 20, place du 11-Novembre, and an eclectic program has been concocted.

Happy New Year for ESL Judo

An appointment that is relaunching, after the Covid years. “Last year, we only did one day, we are doubling the dose this year”, notes Anne Leroy, secretary of ESL Judo, coordinator of the party. “We have been involved in the organization since 2015, alongside other associations. We are calling on volunteers who would like to come and join us for these two days.”

Both days, Saturday August 19 and Sunday August 20

Flea market and stands of local craftsmen from 7 a.m. (€2 per meter for one day and €3 for two days, by reservation on; it is still possible to register for the flea market or as a craftsman ), art exhibitions from 10 a.m. (paintings and handicrafts by five local artists, in the socio-cultural room), games for children with free access (from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., including wooden games, the giant Mikado and the bubble football), funfair, thermal cars in reduced models (exhibition on Saturday, demonstration on Sunday). Bar and restaurant on site.

Saturday August 19

At 5 p.m., dance performance with Cie Wanguy (Léa Gaillon), from Verneuil; at 5.30 p.m., concert by the Banda Oranger; from 7 p.m., ham on a spit with vegetables, fries, dessert, coffee (€16) and children’s menu (up to 11 years old) with sausages, fries, dessert (€7), by reservation with Anne Leroy, at; at nightfall, fireworks with sound in the town hall park, with a torchlight procession and parade by the Banda Oranger; at 11 p.m., summer ball with DJ Monte le son.

Sunday August 20

At 3 p.m., concert with the young Nivernais composer-performer Valentin Ouzani-Diaz.

Practical. All activities are free, except the carnival.

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Perrine Vuilbert

2023-08-17 05:23:12
#days #free #entertainment #municipal #festival #SaintLégerdesVignes


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