Fae Flag Football Festival Promotes Education, Culture, and Sport to Reduce Social Inequalities

With the motto, “If we go far, we’ll get there together”, the third edition of the Fae Flag Football Festival takes place this Saturday (2) at the Training Center of 3B da Amazônia, located on Avenida Leonardo Malcher, in the center of Manaus . Activities start at 9am and end at 11am.

The event aims to promote education, culture and sport, to reduce social inequalities. The students involved come from Public Schools, where the project serves 2,916 young people between 6 and 18 years old, who are monitored by pedagogical teams that help with school performance.

The head of the Voz Ativa Educational Association, Professor Girleno Filho, commented on how the festival will work.

“The feeling is to provide young people with new experiences, as many who have already been and will never leave their neighborhoods for an event like this. In this event, in addition to contact with the modality, there will be snacks and medals. We need to show students that there are ways for them to dream,” she said.

The Association currently offers, in addition to the flag, classes in judo, English, Spanish, tutoring, chess, guitar and professional training courses.


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2023-08-31 00:07:10
#3rd #Fae #Flag #Football #Festival #takes #place #Saturday


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