FIBA World Cup 2023: Over 100 NBA Players to Compete in Tournament

He FIBA World Cup 2023which will be held in the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia from August 25 to September 10, will feature a total of 57 NBA players and another 45 with a past in the American league. Up to 29 teams out of the total 32 participating in the tournament will have at least one player with a present or past in the United States competition.

The selection that more NBA players, how could it be otherwise, will be the Team USA. Their chosen 12, who will make their international debut this summer, are a significant part of their respective franchises. Behind, in this peculiar classification, Australia will contribute nine NBA players to its roster. The podium is completed by Canada Badalona coach Jordi Fernández, with seven members of the squad that are part of the league.

The three national teams that do not have any NBA or former NBA player in their group are Ivory Coast, New Zealand and Venezuela. In total, a little more than a quarter of the players who play in the FIBA ​​summer tournament have NBA experience in their legs.

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2023-08-22 08:29:15
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