From Reading to Redemption: Alejandro Davidovich’s Transformation on and off the Court

Alejandro Davidovich is a new person. He has new perspectives, a new philosophy of life, he is more at peace with himself and with the outside world and with tennis. Quarterfinalist in Toronto, he smiles on the court, lets his tennis flow and all thanks to a weapon that very few expected: reading.

Alexander Davidovich enjoy and make enjoy in the ATP Toronto 2023. In Canada, she has reached the quarterfinals of a Masters 1000 on hard courts for the second time, and will fight in just a few hours against Mackenzie McDonald for breaking a new personal barrier and reaching the semifinals of this type of event on cement for the first time. . Before, an epic comeback against Casper Ruud, one more sign of the “new Davidovich”: a more serene guy, with fewer mental ups and downs and, above all, much more at peace with the world and with himself. The books are largely to blame for this transformation, but no one better than him to summarize the last 48 hours and the change of chip that he gave this summer in a great talk with the Tennis Channel. spoiler: includes tequila shots and breakfasts without the mobile nearby.

Very close match with a brutal comeback after being 4-5 down in the third set

“It was a really tight match. I started the third set very badly, I was suffering a bit, but the key was to never give up. I didn’t give up, I was there at every point, I pushed myself to the limit at every opportunity. It’s never easy to close a match. match on your own serve, and I was returning it all. I could see that, late in the first set, he struggled a bit on his serve. At 4-5, when I managed to break him and level the game, it was like I I would have had a shot of tequila (laughs). I felt with a lot of strength and energy to close the match after everything that had happened”.

What did you talk about with your team to come back strong after the stoppage due to rain?

“I’m not going to tell you (laughs) very good, but I had an absolutely horrible game at 4-4. Three double faults, errors… but I thought nothing was wrong, that I couldn’t kill myself for a single game. I had to be focused for the third set or try to break him immediately after, but Casper served really well in that game to close out the second set. I don’t know what else to say, I’m just so happy for this huge win. I’ve always had great battles with Casper, this is one more.”

Finding the balance between ‘highlight punches’ and solidity

“It is difficult. Sometimes you realize that you are 30 equal on the scoreboard and it is not time to destroy the ball, perhaps it is time to be more solid, because there is the possibility that if you succeed, your opponent will fail. I am trying to be calmer in those situations, I think every time I’m playing better and better in those moments”.

What have you learned from the books you have read this summer?

“What I have learned can be summed up in one word: humility. Just that. They have helped me to be more humble. In Monte Carlo, for example, that week I felt in the clouds… and I had not won a single game. Now that I am improving those results, my thought is that I have only achieved one victory: it is important, yes, but tomorrow I have another match and I will face another rival who is going to come out to beat me. I am much more on the ground, with my feet on the ground: tennis, sometimes… I don’t want to say the exact word (laughs), but it teaches you that you have to be more humble and stick to your routines.Before, for example, after getting out of bed the first thing that I did was pick up my phone. Now I think that’s not possible: I go to the bathroom, do my routines and go down to have breakfast without my phone. I took off social media for two months, now I’m more at peace with the world.”

2023-08-11 15:17:39
#social #networks #humbler


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