German Disabled Athletes Shine at European Para Championships in Rotterdam

Rotterdam (dpa) – The German disabled athletes won a total of 23 medals at the premiere of the European Para Championships in Rotterdam. Almost exactly one year before the start of the Paralympics in Paris, the para athletes determined their European champions in a total of ten sports.

13 of the 23 German medals were won by the cyclists a week after their World Championships with three gold, eight silver and two bronze medals. Matthias Schindler (Nuremberg), Andrea Eskau (Magdeburg) and Annika Zeyen (Bonn) became European champions in the time trial.

The badminton players were also successful with five medals, three of which were gold for Thomas Wandschneider and Rick Hellmann from Grasdorf near Hanover in doubles and each in singles. In judo there was one silver and two bronze plaques, plus two bronze medals in table tennis.

In wheelchair basketball, the German men and women finished fourth, not only missing out on a medal but also missing out on their direct ticket to the Paralympics. It would have been necessary to reach the final for that. But there is another chance at a qualifying tournament next year.

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2023-08-20 19:13:35
#Disabled #sports #medals #German #paraathletes #MultisportEM #Sport


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