German Legionnaires and Regensburg Players Selected for European Championship Squad

Cedano de Leon, Grimes, Schmidt and von Garßen are part of the squad for the Czech Republic, along with Tim Fischer and Niklas Rimmel. Dinski, Helmig, Harms and Mendelsohn still have a chance.

For the legionnaires, the whole focus is currently on the semi-final series against Heidenheim, which will be decided on Saturday in the Armin-Wolf-Arena. For some players, however, the next exciting task awaits after the Bundesliga. From September 24th the European Championship will take place in the Czech Republic. At least four players from the Guggenberger Legionnaires and two from Regensburg on foreign assignments will be at the start for Germany if there are no injuries.

Legionnaires Quartet

For national coach Jendrick Speer, the European Championship is the second major tournament within a few weeks after the European Championship with the U23. Some U23 players are back in the Czech team that Speer and sports director Jannis Christ have now nominated.

One of those players is Joe Cedano de Leon. He is part of the Legionnaires quartet in the squad. Also there is David Grimes, who has shown strong performances in the Bundesliga for weeks. Shortstop Alexander Schmidt has been an integral part of the national team for years, although like Grimes he has only just outgrown the U23s. Catcher Elias von Garßen, who recently presented himself in top form in the game against Heidenheim, should also go to the Czech Republic.

David Grimes Alexander Schmidt Jendrick Speer Elias von Garßen Joe Cedano de Leon (Photos: Rene Thalemann, Holger Schellkopf)

Pitcher duo from the USA

However, the four legionnaires are not the only players with a strong connection to Regensburg who will wear the national jersey in the Czech Republic. Also present is Tim Fischer, a real Regensburger who has been wearing the Los Angeles Dodgers jersey since this year. Overall, fishermen are doing pretty well. He is with his team LAD Bautista in the finals of the Dominican Summer League, a rookie championship of the MLB organizations.

Tim Fischer (Photo: Michael Schöberl)

Things are a bit more turbulent with another player who can also be found on the legionnaires’ registration list and has been active in the minor league for a long time. 24-year-old Niklas Rimmel was until recently part of the Cedar Rapids Kernels, High-A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins. Like Fischer in the Czech Republic, he should stand for Germany on the mound.

David Dinski, Lou Helmig and Eric Harms, who have all been nominated as substitutes, also have a chance of participating in the European Championship. Helmig recently showed strong performances at the U23 European Championships until he was thrown back by a shoulder injury sustained in the game.

signs to Amon

Pascal Amon has been struggling with injuries for months. He had to pass the entire season. It is therefore a strong sign that Jendrick Speer has listed him in the extended squad. The same applies to Daniel Mendelsohn, who has only been back in the Bundesliga since this season.

2023-08-29 20:11:06
#Legionnaires #nominated #Guggenberger #Legionnaires #Regensburg


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