Hockey Champions League will try power plays with changed rules

Not only the changed format, but also the rules of the game itself will attract attention in the upcoming hockey Champions League season. The management of the competition will try out three relatively fundamental adjustments regarding exclusion situations. Through them, the competition wants to offer more goals scored, the possibility of greater drama or an increase in the attractiveness of the game for spectators.

The first news is that a conceded goal in a weakened state does not end the opponent’s power play. Similar to cases of higher penalties, players also serve two full minutes on the penalty bench for minor penalties.

The second change concerns the goal scored in the signaled advantage. In such a case, the suspended penalty is not canceled and the team will have a power play at their disposal despite the goal scored. The third adjustment, on the other hand, encourages the defending team to become more offensive, because by achieving a goal, they will end the numerical advantage of the opponent.

“We are always looking for some further development and evolution. We believe that these changes will bring more fun and excitement for the fans. Hopefully it will bring more chances and goals. I think there is no better platform to try such changes than to try them precisely in the Champions League, where the best teams in Europe play,” said Tobias Salmelainen, a member of the Sports Commission of the competition, during the online press conference for the start of the Champions League.

He himself is curious about what the changes will bring. “What I talked to my colleagues about, they perceive it positively. We’ll see how it will look during the tournament. It’s like everything else that’s new – it brings both positives and negatives. One team will be excited about it, another perhaps disillusioned. We’ll see. But I don’t think it would change the style of hockey as such,” added the former forward, who currently also holds the post of sports manager at IFK Helsinki.

Czech hockey representatives are also looking forward to the changes. “I approve of all rule changes. I see it as everything supports the attacking game. I’m curious how it will work, but globally I evaluate it positively in order to score more goals,” said Václav Varaďa, head coach of Pardubice.

There may be some concerns about the need to “switch”, whether for players, referees or spectators, as the Champions League will be the only one where the changes will apply. Actors will have to prepare well for unusual situations.

“I think the boys will perceive it. Each of the players has a game mindset that specializes in a certain part of the game and certain skills. We will prepare the players accordingly,” said Varaďa.

2023-08-30 16:22:55
#Hockey #Champions #League #power #plays #changed #rules


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