“I would like to reach the Cup”

He Flat Girona Garage has started this week to prepare the eighth season in the OK League. Eight, which is not called fast, and it costs a lot to achieve. More, still, being one of the humble clubs in the category. In recent years, in fact, the fight for permanence has been the mud through which the team has navigated, but, now, the coach Ramon Benito trusts to give a stroke of the rudder: “I would like to try to reach the Copa del Rey, but what I’m clear about is that I don’t want to suffer again to go down, because it’s very hard, and we have a team to be higher; we will have to prove it”.

To do so, you will have one template of eight players (in addition to goalkeepers Jaume Llaverola and Pau Fernández) with which he is “very happy”. That leaves Marc Vázquez, Àlex Grau, Borja Ramon, Moi Aguirre (still not training, having just recovered from a shoulder injury that made him end the year in pain) and Biel Nadal, who “he already had minutes and will have to be a more important piece”.

Interestingly, the three arrivals, “projection players who we hope will adapt quickly and exploit in Girona”, come from the rival who was sentenced to Silver last May: L’Arenys de Munt. they are Aleix Domènechstar signing who “despite his youth seems to have been playing all his life and was the cornerstone of his team”; Django Bogers, who “has scored many goals, twenty”; i Marc Puigvertwho will also contribute a goal and that Benito had trained Benjamins.

Train despite the heat

One of the challenges of the pre-season, because temperatures cannot be an excuse. “It’s inhumane, and we manage it by hydrating ourselves a lot, but we have to get there well in September.” The OK League will then begin, on the 30th, with Voltregà. It will be a tough year: “Everyone has strengthened themselves very well and according to the calendar we have to start at 200%”.

Be that as it may, Benito will have “a good team with multiple combinations and a lot of potential”. With the signings, moreover, it is “a step forward to achieve more important things and not be in the struggle of recent years”. The base, which also takes part in training, will follow “in orbit, that last year the juniors were runners-up in Spain and are the future of the club”. Friday, first test with a “top” team in the Catalan League, Calafell, “to see where we are and continue to evolve”.

2023-08-24 04:15:49
#reach #Cup


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