Jonas Valanciunas: A Future in Basketball Beyond Retirement

Jonas Valanciunas is currently playing in the 2023 World Cup with Lithuania, a team that has gone to the second phase with a 3-0 score after beating Montenegro 71-91 in their last game. Right from the World Cup, the center has attended the media to make it clear what he intends to do after his retirement, something that should still take a while to arrive, since he is currently 31 years old.

«I want to continue feeling basketball, no matter what. Play and do some other jobs. Maybe dedicate myself to training or working in the front office of a team… Whatever happens, I want to be connected to basketball, “says the New Orleans Pelicans player to Jake Fischer of Yahoo! Sports.

Beyond his long-term approaches, Valanciunas knows that nothing can be taken for granted in the NBA; So much so that during this summer the Louisiana organization has put him on the market without finally giving him the transfer. The one from Lithuania is clear that everything can change in a matter of minutes.

“You can’t be sure at any time. You can’t sit back and know where you’ll be the next day. You have to expect everything at any time. There are no hard feelings. The exchanges happen. It’s not unusual,” he admits, looking forward to what might happen to his career in the future.

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(Photo by Ezra Acayan/Getty Images)

2023-08-29 19:00:00
#Jonas #Valanciunas #decided #retirement


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