MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open Spring Finals Kick Off in Dalian, China

game scene. Photo courtesy of MLB

China Youth Daily client news (China Youth Daily · China Youth Daily reporter Liang Xuan) 2023 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open Spring Finals recently opened at the Dalian University Baseball Stadium. The competition is divided into two age groups, U10 and U12. The 25 champion teams from each city site of the spring game will compete fiercely for three days to compete for the title of this season’s championship.

As one of the earliest cities in China to open to the outside world, Dalian is also an area where baseball sports started earlier, developed better, and has deeper accumulation in the three northeastern provinces. The relevant person in charge of MLB (Major League Baseball) said that the landing of the final game in Dalian is to be optimistic about the profound baseball culture and development potential of Dalian, a famous sports city. The industry injects impetus.

The 2023 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open·Spring Tournament has traveled through 19 cities including Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Wuhan, and Qingdao, covering 14 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities). Qi Dong, managing director of MLB China, said that since the inception of the game, the game has continued to grow and develop. The city stations have expanded from the initial 5 cities to 19 cities this year, and the coverage of baseball youth has grown to over 1.3 million. With the development of the game, the level of competition is also increasing year by year. Through this competition, MLB looks forward to showing the demeanor and potential of Chinese baseball teenagers to the society and cultivating more outstanding talents for the Chinese baseball industry.

This event is supported by the Chinese Baseball Association, guided by the Dalian Sports Bureau and the Dalian Education Bureau, hosted by the MLB Major League Baseball, and undertaken by the MLB China Youth Baseball League Organizing Committee.

[Responsible editor: Cao Jing]

2023-08-19 15:10:33
#MLB #CUP #Youth #Baseball #Open #Spring #Finals #held


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