Red Cross Organizes Fun-filled Activities for International Youth Day at Chorrillo Beach

Today, Chorrillo beach has become the ideal setting for practicing all kinds of sports. It is enough to take a look at the sand to discover several teenagers who, amused and complicit with each other, play volleyball and badminton. These are the young people who participate in the activities organized in Ceuta by the Red Cross on the occasion of International Youth Day, which is celebrated tomorrow.

One of them is Badereddine, 22, who arrived in our city from Morocco in 2019. “I entered with my parents but then they returned to my country”, he explains. In the first place, Badereddine was transferred to the Center for Minors, but since he came of age he has been supervised in the Red Cross apartment. Over time, the young man got a job and is hopeful for the future. “Now I work as a hairdresser at home and I have my contract,” he says. Today, excited about the idea of ​​enjoying a day of games in the open air, he has gone to have fun at the beach with friends he met while at the Center for Minors, and he assures that what he most wants is to “play soccer”.

Another friendly 14-year-old teenager approaches us and assures us that he “loves the beach, and the beach with games, it’s the best”. This boy, who currently still lives in the Children’s Center, is excitedly waiting for the games to start even though he admits that he doesn’t know any of the youngsters on the beach. “I think I’ll make new friends today”, he says cheerfully, adding that what he likes the most are “sack and spoon races”.

And it is that young people have had many activities to choose from. This is how Yasmina, responsible for technical coordination of the Red Cross Youth area in Ceuta, explains it. “Throughout the day we have various sports, water activities and a gymkhana”, she explains. The coordinator has been working with Red Cross Youth for more than three years and she will continue to do so because she assures that her job brings her “many positive things.” For her, working “day by day” with young volunteers “makes you learn from them. It is very important to keep them present ”, she affirms with joy.

One of those volunteers is Amira, who, at only 15 years old, has been at Cruz Roja Juventud for three years and is already a member of the management team. “I like it because you share moments with the children and you stay doing activities instead of being at home,” she explains, adding that she would like to continue “for a long time because it’s a great time.” In this sense, she recalls that during the years that she has helped the Red Cross, they have carried out “routes and various leisure and free time activities with the little ones.” During today, she Amira will be in charge of measuring the time of the activities “to see who is the winner”.

Next to her is another volunteer, also young, who joined the Red Cross Youth three months ago. “I’m loving it, I’m very comfortable and I’ll continue with them,” she says happily. During this time, as a volunteer, she affirms that she “has become more supportive” by sharing moments with “minors from vulnerable groups.” Thus, she says that in addition to “listening to what they say about them, you also see what they are experiencing, you empathize more and you put yourself in their place.” She also likes to participate with Red Cross Youth because she “gives us the opportunity to organize tournaments to our liking and they help us.” During today’s session, she explains, apart from volleyball, badminton and soccer competitions, they have also organized board games, sack and spoon races, among other games.

2023-08-11 13:06:22
#Young #people #enjoy #games #organized #Red #Cross #Youth #Day #Chorrillo #beach


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