Sanchez advances, Nzola reappears (with Morata in the background)

Tiago Pinto stays put, Gianluca Scamacca doesn’t. The attacker – apparently – doesn’t want to wait any longer and is tempted by Inter. Marotta has delivered to West Ham an offer of 22 million including bonuses to buy him outright. Paid 36 million by Sassuolo last July, the figure may not be fair considering only the year of amortization. In fact, the British media speak of a rejected offer. Another awaits.

Fair offer

Roma remain of the idea of ​​the loan because the intention is not to invest in the centre-forward due to the return of Abraham in February. Inter therefore still have the advantage, even if “plan A” is Balogun, but now it depends on Arsenal. The Giallorossi are pressing for the loan with an obligation to buy linked to the Champions League, the only possible offer to date. If Pinto doesn’t want to miss the train, he has to raise, a possibility to be excluded at the moment. A cost that approaches 24/26 million, too many, like those feared for Morata, for which 21 would be needed (or will be needed), and there was already an agreement with the player, a 4-year contract with 5 million per season. Hypothesis, this, which remains standing. But the problem is the same: there is Reynods to collect, in addition to what has already been collected from the sales in June and the recent ones. And on the list, Ibañez and Belotti for outings. Also monitored were Alexis Sánchez (zero parameter, 14 goals in Marseille), considered a hot lead, and Paston Daka, plus Nzola is also back in fashion.

Blitz in Austria

Pinto flew to Austria on Friday to join Lask striker Marin Ljubicic, who played in the first season of the league with Rapid Vienna. In midfield, the lunge is ready for Renato Sanches, the details are being defined: loan with the right to buy, even the obstacle has been circumvented in the last few hours. Friedkin who took advantage of the friendship with PSG number one Al-Khelaïfi, who is about to give the green light to the operation, was decisive. The arrival of Julien Jon Guerrero (2004) is official: he will play in the Primavera. Viña to Sassuolo on loan (with the right to buy out at 10 million), now it’s also a press release.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Sanchez #advances #Nzola #reappears #Morata #background


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