Skeet shooting, Baku 2023 World Championships: in women’s skeet Diana Bacosi is the best Italian after 75 targets

The first day dedicated to the women’s skeet at the 2023 World Shooting Championships ongoing in Baku, Azerbaijan: after the first ones 75 clay pigeons of the preliminary rounds the best blue is Diana Bacosi, seventh with 73/75before Martina Bartolomei, 12th with 72 e Simona Scochetti, 21st with 71. These scores pose Italy in third place in the team rankings with 216/225.

At the head is the couple composed by cinese Huang Sixue and dalla kazaka Assem Orynbay, prime with a perfect 75/75. Behind them a trio at altitude 74 formed by the Greek Emmanouela Katzouraki, the Slovakian Danka Bartekova and the American Samantha Simonton. To the sixth place the couple composed by the other American Dania Jo Vizzi and by best of the blues, Diana Bacosi, paired at an altitude of 73.

In the large group of 9 female shooterseighth place goes to Martina Bartolomei with 72/75finally in the group al 17th place made up of 7 athletes with 71/75 is Simona Scocchetti. In the team ranking the United States commands with 219/225, ahead of Slovakia ed Italy with 216. It should be remembered that in this specialty Italy has already completed the maximum contingent of two female shooters for the Paris 2024 Games and cannot conquer other Olympic cards.

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Photo: LaPresse

2023-08-17 14:00:50
#Skeet #shooting #Baku #World #Championships #womens #skeet #Diana #Bacosi #Italian #targets


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