Spanish Basketball Star Ricky Rubio Takes Break from Professional Activity to Prioritize Mental Health

Ricky Rubio, armador de los Cavaliers de Cleveland
(Foto: Scott Cunningham/NBAE via Getty Images/AFP)

Paris, France | AFP | The Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) announced this Saturday that the player Ricky Rubio, point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, of the NBA, decided to stop his professional activity to take care of his mental health, so he will not be in the World Cup that begins on 25 of August.

«The Spanish Basketball Federation wants to transmit the following statement from Ricky Rubio: ‘I have decided to stop my professional activity to take care of my mental health. I want to thank all the support I have received from the FEB to understand my decision,’ “says the text.

“Today #LaFamilia makes more sense than ever. Thank you. I would ask that my privacy be respected to be able to face these moments and to be able to give more information when the time is right,” Rubio adds in the federation’s statement.

In this way, Spain loses who was the MVP of the last World Cup in China-2019, in which the Red won its second world title, after the first won in Japan-2006.

In the text, the FEB adds that the federation “wants to express its respect, admiration and affection for Ricky Rubio. #LaFamilia will be by the player’s side at all times.”

The 32-year-old Catalan player returned to the national team after two seasons of fighting a knee injury.

Spain thus loses an important player for the World Cup that will be held between August 25 and September 10 in Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Rubio’s loss is a hard blow for the Italian coach of the Spanish team, Sergio Scariolo, who has not been able to count on Lorenzo Brown, the starting point guard for La Roja in the title achieved in the last European championship in 2022.

The Maccabi Tel Aviv player, born in the United States, withdrew from the World Cup due to physical problems.

© Agence France-Presse

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2023-08-07 19:43:16
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