The 5 Star Movement Struggles to Maintain Majority Support in Ciampino Politics

Published: Saturday, 26 August 2023 – Political editorial team

CIAMPINO (politics) – The 5 Star Movement does NOT have the numbers to keep the majority in check in the implementation of its program – ​​exclusive content

Ciampino politics notoriously go against the trend in August, the holiday month par excellence. The dynamics of the palace, within the confines of the airport city, become turbulent in August. Remember the clamorous shipwreck of the right-wing administration dating back to August 31, 2021 with the annexed fall of the then mayor. The situation these days is decidedly different and less complex but the stomach aches of 5 Star Movement, within the center-left majority, certainly keep the commentators busy and much less the insiders. The malaise of the pentastellati, represented in the city council by Mauro Del Tutto and in addition from Fabrizio Tullicould reside mainly around the figure of the latter.

LAWS Ciampino | Municipal swimming pool becomes a political case and feeds the M5S stomach ache in the majorityDelegate a Ecological transition, Productive activities e Turismo it would seem that he is now more appreciated and esteemed by government allies than by the grillini themselves. The motivation could be traced back to the internal political balance of the 5 Star Movement, evidently changed after the bloody separation from the center-left in the Lazio Region. The results of the operation which turned out to be suicidal, wanted primarily by the leader Giuseppe Conte, are well known to all with the landslide victory of the Pisana right.

The immediate solution could therefore first of all be the replacement of the current councilor with a new name, pleasing to the M5S, but it is not obvious that it will happen.

In fact, the mayor Emanuela Colella and allies would not seem to be too worried about pentastellati stomach aches. Indeed, the 5 Star Movement NON he has the numbers to keep the majority in check in the implementation of his own program also shared by the grillini. In fact, M5S has only one municipal councilor, in light of the 3.3 percent obtained in last year’s elections. Moreover, the threats of a Grilline exit would not seem to entice any other component of the government formation. In fact, the majority would be very firm around the work of the first citizen.

Another solution to the problem could really be a divorce between the parties, without the majority of anyone pulling their hair out for the aforementioned reasons, but would the M5S be better off given the recent moonshine?

READ Ciampino | The reply of the 5 stars: “Continue with Colella. Stomach aches? All nonsense”

2023-08-26 12:09:20
#Summer #belly #pain #M5S #majority #diagnosis #solutions


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