The AFA announced new financial support for clubs in the provinces

Photo: Rubén Paratore
The president of the Argentine Football Association (AFA), Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia, assured that the entity’s desire is to have a “more federal” competition for which it will grant five million pesos to the leagues of the provinces with teams in regional tournaments.

“This is a leadership that wants soccer to be federal,” said Tapia in the second meeting of soccer leaders from the interior of the country held in San Juan.

The event was attended by 8,000 managers, who found out right there about the AFA measure, which determined support from the Mother House for those leagues that have teams in regional tournaments.

“The leagues will receive five million pesos,” said the leader in his brief speech.

Photo: Rubén Paratore
Besides, the participating clubs of Federal A will have a forty percent increase in their income by the AFA in television rights.

This increase will also be received by the teams of the First National, First B, First C and First D, according to Tapia’s words.

“We had competitive tournaments in the interior. We always knew how and what we had to do to put Argentine soccer on its feet again. We did it. They don’t remember where we were before, with regional tournaments with 600 teams and local league tournaments were played in the week,” he recalled.

“The teams from the leagues bleed to death to try to qualify. Now they are given value and we have a strong Federal A,” he said.

Photo: Rubén Paratore
Tapia was accompanied by Pablo Toviggino, leader of the Federal Council and treasurer of the AFA, and the governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, also participated.

“History will mark that Tapia is the best AFA president of all time,” praised the outgoing governor before those present.

In addition, the event had as attraction the exhibition of the trophies won in the World Cup in Qatar 2022, the Finalíssima 2022 and the Copa América 2021.

Photo: Rubén Paratore

2023-08-26 19:50:00
#AFA #announced #financial #support #clubs #provinces


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