The Power of Little Stories: Behind the Scenes of Pallacanestro Reggiana’s Decision

Little stories. Little secrets. Moments, if you like, special. They are the ones who, on certain occasions, change the face of a season and decide the fate of a team. They are little stories, little secrets that, more often than not, remain hidden. Sometimes, on the contrary, they become public and can be told with a smile on your lips. Because they are, in any case, testimonies of what happens behind the scenes.

One of these little stories took place a few nights ago at the Osteria di Scandiano. All the members of Pallacanestro Reggiana and the general manager Claudio Coldebella gathered around a table.

Between one course and another, the engagement of Langston Galloway had to be decided because the budget that had been decided had to be exceeded. In reality, it took all the members a few minutes to give the go-ahead and close the operation that filled the Reggio basketball tribe with enthusiasm by making an NBA player glide over Reggio.

A very quick decision because even in society, in this summer of lions experienced by the red and white team, there is an air of great enthusiasm and desire to do things.

And at the dinner the other night there were several topics discussed, so much so that the meeting turned into a sort of board meeting.

Because in addition to the market and the now completed team, there was talk of the youth sector which will be further strengthened and improved, aiming decisively at the idea of ​​building talent in one’s own cantera. On the other hand, the decision to launch Momo Faye in the first team, even spending a visa as a non-EU citizen, goes precisely in this direction.

And there was also talk of the “red and white house” whose times have lengthened compared to what were the times set at first. The project, however, goes ahead and all the partners, starting with the Bartoli family, are absolutely determined to continue on this path which will make Reggio Emilia basketball one of the avant-garde clubs in Italian basketball.

Also for this reason it was decided to build an extremely competitive team, spending more money than we had set ourselves, it being understood that, at the moment, the budget is in any case lower than the one with which the last championship ended, which was transformed into a sort of bloodbath along the way due to the many changes made and the many registered players.

In short, the club intends to make all possible efforts to give life to a high-level season and, above all, to give continuity to basketball in our city.

2023-08-07 05:00:46
#prison #dinner #Galloway #partners #green #light


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