Thief Tracked Down and Arrested After Robbery at Shop in Perugia

Another split in a shop in Perugia but this time the thief was tracked down and arrested by the police. It happened in Madonna Alta, in a commercial exercise where a 25-year-old Ivorian, already known to the police and burdened with the obligation to stay at his home, managed to enter the room by forcing the front door. At that point the alarm went off with the owner who reached the shop in a few minutes. The owner of the commercial exercise provided useful elements, including images of the video surveillance system, to the policemen who managed to track down the alleged author of the split in a timely and professional manner. At the sight of the agents, the 25-year-old reacted violently by lashing out against them. After spitting at the men in uniform, he also attempted to assault them. Once blocked and identified, he was subjected to a search: inside the right shoe, the agents found 60 euros, most likely the result of the theft consumed shortly before in the shop. Inside a pouch, the policemen also found three health cards belonging to three different people, an ATM and an identity card not his. In the end he was arrested for the crimes of aggravated theft and resisting a public official, as well as being reported for the crime of receiving stolen goods and not complying with the residence obligation.

2023-08-07 18:40:56
#Perugia #theft #split #Madonna #Alta #badly #25yearold #arrested


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