Ukrainian-Spanish Brunch Held in Valencia as Part of the Olympic Dreams Project

Press releases

17:19, 14.08.2023

4 minutes to read

In Spain, in Valencia, a Ukrainian-Spanish brunch was held, attended by members of the Olympic Dreams project, as well as the Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Valencia and other honored guests. The event was held under the auspices of the Ukrainian charitable foundation “Future for Children” as part of the Valencia judo training camp, where one of the strongest teams of young Ukrainian athletes took part: students Karen Balayan and Oleksandra Starkova. .

“This is already the fifth major camp under the Olympic Dreams project, which we have been conducting on the territory of friendly countries for the last year and a half. An organized approach on the way to our main strategic objective: supporting the Ukrainian Olympic Reserve in the most difficult moments – is paying off, this time The Kingdom of Spain has welcomed our athletes, and we are very grateful to the Consulate of Ukraine in Valencia for supporting children. from August to September we have already organized a camp for Ukrainian karate, handball and football players in Slovakia, and together with the Foundation we are planning the following camps for Young Athletes for Olympic Sport in New Friendly Countries”. Anatoly Boyko, philanthropist and ideological inspirer of the Olympic Dreams project.

Entrepreneur, philanthropist and ideological inspirer of the Olympic Dreams project Anatoly Boyko

In addition to sports, the Olympic Dreams project acquaints the world community with Ukrainian values, so during the event there was also an exhibition of embroidery of the SVOE brand, which was demonstrated by the young participants of the project. Among the guests and partners of Olympic Dreams are the honorary consul of Ukraine in Valencia, Pablo Gil López, the founder of the Damark Foundation, Lucia Zadorozhna, the head coach of the Israel Olympic women’s judo team, Shani Hershko, representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in Spain and other distinguished guests.

From left to right: Israeli women’s Olympic judo team head coach Shani Hershko, co-founder of the Children’s Future charity Oleksandra Nokievova, businessman and philanthropist Anatoly Boyko, coaches Karen Balayan and Oleksandra Starkova

“The spirit and desire of young Ukrainian athletes to continue their training despite the war in their homeland impresses and inspires many. The Olympic Dreams project performs a very important, albeit difficult task: it tries to provide athletes with everything they need to have equal opportunities. with athletes from other countries, today this work is fundamental”, affirmed the Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Valencia, Pablo Gil López.

Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Valencia, Pablo Gil López

The event was held with the support of the DAMARK ONGD Humanitarian Foundation in the Ukrainian Library building, as well as Laura Gomez Robinon, founder of the Valencia Olympic Judo Camp and member of the Valencian Judo Federation, which has given shelter to Ukrainian athletes and the opportunity to train since the beginning of Russia’s total invasion of Ukraine. According to tradition, Volodymyr Ostapchuk became the host of the event.

We remind you that the project of international sports camps «Olympic Dreams» was implemented by the charity fund «Future Children» more than a year and a half ago. During this time, the format of sports camps has been successfully implemented in 4 countries: in the fall of 2022 – in Israel, in the summer of 2022 in Greece, in the winter and spring of 2023 – on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. , in the summer of 2023 – in Spain. The project was supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Olympic Committee of the Kyiv Region, the Judo Federation of Ukraine and several embassies of the host countries.

2023-08-14 15:29:42
#Valencia #UkrainianSpanish #lunch #held #participation #honorary #consul #participants #Olympic #Dreams #international #sports #camps #project


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