Union Supporters Face Violence and Intimidation from Anderlecht Fans at Europa League Play-Off

It was with a smile that Union supporters went to bed this Thursday evening. Their team took a big step towards qualifying for the Europa League by dismissing Lugano (2-0) in the first leg of the play-off without too much difficulty. But despite the win, some Brussels fans weren’t in the festive mood. In question, overflows which took place with supporters of Sporting Anderlecht after the meeting played at Lotto Park. As a reminder, Union faced Lugano in Anderlecht because their stadium does not comply with UEFA standards. “I went to a bar near the stadium after the game, says Augustin* (assumed name), Unionist supporter. We got into a room between rival fans except that I came across a very determined Anderlecht fan. He wanted to fight it out and I ended up with my head a little open. I fell into a bush then took to my heels. Some were there to meet the Unionists in a not very benevolent way…”

Other testimonies circulated between the groups of supporters of the Union. A fan would have been urinated on, others would have been spit on leaving the stands while the last ended up in hospital with a fractured jaw. “There was clearly not the same police presence as the last times against Berlin or against Leverkusen, continues Augustin. Obviously, they were still on vacation… I know the stadium wasn’t full but that’s no reason not to supervise the supporters, especially since we know that there is an underlying rivalry between Union and Anderlecht. Anderlecht residents took advantage of the dissuasive non-presence.”


“Obviously, the police were still on vacation…”

For several Union supporters, it has become too dangerous to play European matches in Anderlecht. Some have already decided, given the latest events, to boycott the next matches at Lotto Park. “I don’t want to go see my team having to be careful to the right or to the left if a guy in black with a hood comes to cause me problems, explains Christophe* (assumed first name), long-time supporter at the Union. We are no longer sure that we are safe when we play there. This Thursday evening, a friend and his pregnant wife turned back when they saw Anderlecht supporters arriving at the stadium, they felt there was tension. Are we waiting for something even more serious to happen? The atmosphere was unhealthy, it clearly ruined the party.”

On the side of the Union, we explain that we have received the messages from the supporters about the overflows. The club explains that it has contacted the Midi police zone for more information.

* aliases

2023-08-25 12:35:00
#Outbursts #Union #Anderlecht #fans #spitting #fractured #jaw #open #skull #atmosphere #unhealthy


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