UnipolSai-Parma Begins Best-of-Seven Series for Baseball Championship Semifinals

UnipolSai-Parma, still them. Champions Cup semi-final a year ago, Scudetto semi-final again last season. And always with the final victory of Parma. Today we start again, at Gianni Falchi (8.30 pm), for a best-of-seven series. A year ago, the difference, in favor of Parma, who would later lose the baseball championship final, was minimal.

We got to game seven, with only one point difference, except for an 8-4 in favor of Daniele Frignani’s boys.

Fortitudo that looks beyond a sensational error by the referees, in the first match of the semifinal of the year, which led to the success of the ducals in the debut match.

“There is no sense of revenge or revenge – comments Frignani, manager of UnipolSai – only the desire to go all the way. We have been missing the championship final for a while, we would like to go back to savoring some atmospheres. So much more so that, this season, there won’t even be the Coppa Italia. We and Parma know each other well. I think that once again it will be a very balanced series.”

Tonight it’s the foreign pitchers’ turn, tomorrow the Italian ones (as in game five). Tomorrow’s combination is almost obvious, when Pippo Crepaldi, departing from UnipolSai, will have to cross the path of the former Matteo Bocchi, who in the meantime has become almost unsurpassed. And this evening? Fortitudo will decide at the last moment. It is possible that the first ball is entrusted to Raul Rivero, the more experienced pitcher, who has known Bologna and the championship for at least ten years. The alternative is Cristopher Molina Brito, with the latest arrival, Porfirio Lopez, who could be used when the series moves to Parma. Meanwhile, the left-handed Marc Civit returns to the rotation of pitchers. Fortitudo who, in the batting box, will be able to count on the young Samuele Gamberini.

“Let’s hope that Samu can give us a hand – insists Frignani -. We are a different and more powerful team than the one that started the season. We knew that Ricardo Paolini would only arrive in July. But Robel Garcia and the return of Ernesto Liberatore are two additions that give us confidence”.

Having said that in the other semifinal we will find the usual San Marino against the surprise Grosseto, tomorrow we will return to the field at Gianni Falchi. Then the series will move to the Notari di Parma, from Monday to Wednesday. And if the series continues until the seventh match, we will return to Gianni Falchi again on 2 and 3 September.

a. gal.

2023-08-24 04:40:19
#Baseball #match #semifinal #ducals #historic #opponents #Fortitudo #begins #UnipolSai #Parma #time #revenge #Coach #Frignani #balanced #match


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