VN – Mourinho, Dybala, but nothing done: Beltran chooses Fiorentina

Lucas Beltran will be a Fiorentina player. Roma attempted to enter by placing a minor offer of 12 million plus bonuses on the plate.

Lucas Beltran will be a Fiorentina player. Roma attempted to enter by placing a minor offer of 12 million plus bonuses on the plate. Furthermore, Mourinho’s advances and the possibility of playing with Dybala had tried to change the player’s will, which has always been to come to Florence. Nothing done though, because Beltran will respect the agreements made in recent days: 20 million the offer violates plus 10% on future resale. Between Friday and Saturday the player will arrive in Florence and will become a new Fiorentina striker.

2023-08-10 19:42:10
#Mourinho #Dybala #Beltran #chooses #Fiorentina


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