Walker Christopher Linke at the World Cup with a German record

Walker Christopher Linke celebrated a German record at the first decision of the World Championships in Athletics. After 20 kilometers in 1:18:12 hours, the man from Potsdam stayed 30 seconds below his previous best time on Saturday at Heroes’ Square in Budapest and finished fifth. “I think this is a good start for the German team,” said Linke, who acts in the captain’s role alongside sprinter Gina Lückenkampfer.

“It was my big goal to show the team with a good performance, even if the preparation, the absences or whatever affected you, you should believe in yourself. You should fight for yourself – and when you fight for yourself, you also fight for the team,” said veteran Linke. “I hope that many athletes will take this as an example.”

The title went to the two-time European champion Álvaro Martín from Spain with a world best time of 1:17:32 hours. He won ahead of the Swede Perseus Karlstrom and the Brazilian Caio Bonfim. In addition to Linke, five other athletes broke the respective national records. “I think that might be one of the fastest races in history,” said the 34-year-old at his seventh World Championship.

Linke had previously shared the German record of 1:18:42 hours with Andreas Erm. This was so fast in 2000, Linke in 2019. “Now I tell myself a bit, 1:18:12 and no medal at the world championships,” said Linke. “But I can be content.”

Published/Updated: Jürgen Kalwa, New York Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 16 Anna Faber Published/Updated: ,

In the competition over 20 kilometers, which started two hours late due to a storm, Linke had aimed for a top 8 finish and convincingly fulfilled his own expectations. The man from Potsdam is even stronger on Thursday over 35 kilometers as second at the European Championships. “I’ll see how I recover,” said Linke. “I believe that a second German record will be set over 35.” First up this Sunday is Saskia Feige from Leipzig over 20 kilometers. Over this distance she had won bronze at the European Championships in Munich.


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