Without Oier Lazkano, Spain loses its best asset for the World Cup

I have gathered the ten moments that define the magic of the Tour 2023

Afternoons without emotion, nor images of France, nor of the center, nor of the south, the 2023 Tour ended a couple of days ago, but the hangover is as sweet as it is long.

I wanted to recover ten moments and circumstances that explain one of the best editions that I have been able to enjoy and I have a few, as many as thirty and I paint.

The Basque way out

Betting on Euskadi was a safe move for the organizers of the Tour de France, knowing that it was not going to be another exit.

With a region dedicated to the best race in the world, the gutter was filled with passion and knowledge for a sport that they love with the intensity of great places.

The culmination of the Yates in Bilbao and Lafay’s surprise to the entire Jumbo in Donostia are the cover images, but in the middle of the duel between the two greats he was already throwing titles.

The White Marie

Vingegaard saw something in Pogacar for, at the first change, with more than two weeks of the Tour ahead, he will release him that way.

A key moment in two aspects: the Dane was more solid than many imagined and an advantage that, seen now, Pogacar would no longer be able to overcome.

The 2023 Tour was being decided, and we were not aware of it.

Jai Hindley’s Great Escape

The events of the Marie Blanque between the two big favorites took place in the framework of a day bursting by the Bora.

Jai Hindley would win the stage after a great breakaway sustained by excellent teamwork.

It was the best moment of the Australian, whose leadership would last only one day, which took the Tourmalet to arrive.

The Tourmalet

Jumbo wreck, that is, leave the group in the skeleton so that Vingegaard could prepare to sentence the race in view of the bad moment that Pogacar had had the day before.

Jumbo played hard until the end, but they had a champion ahead, a Slovenian who remained silent behind them and finished off as soon as he could.

Another day to remember and we had a very short Tour.

Electric sprint de Pedersen ante Philipsen

If Jasper Philipsen was the sprinter of the Tour, including his bullying action towards the end, he also had canvas-kissing days.

The sprint that Mads Pedersen proposed to him in Limoges was one of those brutalities that leaves you dry on the sofa.

The Puy de Dome is back

Among the stages of the 2023 Tour, this peak was well marked.

35 years later, the Puy de Dôme gave us a show both front and back.

Matteo Jorgenson played to serve and finish off the cornerattacking from far away to collapse less than a kilometer in front of Michael Woods.

In the group, Pogacar took out the whip, he took Vingeagaard off the hook, but a little, making use of those helicopter shots in which we see two cyclists separated by a handful of seconds burning meters to the same finish line without either of them giving in.

El Joux Plane

In another monstrous day, like that of Tourmalet, but now in the Alps, Jumbo once again goes all out against Pogacar.

The Joux Plane becomes a game of roosters with their penmates: Majka kills Benoot and Van Aert does the same with the Pole in command of the group, until Adam Yates blew it all up and left us a one-on-one of Pogacar vs. Vingegaard anthological, more than a kilometer with about five or six seconds of separation between the two without either letting go.

Vingegaard caught Pogacar before the top and I think that at that moment, the Slovenian understood that he was competing against a wall.

Then came Carlos Rodríguez’s descent into glory.

the time trial

In the gallery of the wonders of the Tour 2023, that time trial is the jewel in the crown.

In a performance that has earned him reproaches and veiled accusations of doping, Jonas Vingegaard, until proven otherwise, is the winner of a test that could mark a generation.

It was D-day, the day in which he silenced all the bad things that were said about him, which was not little.

The differences that marked, we said it, reminded us of the greats of always.

Bahrain’s trident

The Bahrain boys can return home proud with three victories signed in a brilliant and emotional way.

Pello Bilbao’s great ride in the Massif Central opened the account that Wouter Poels continued in the Alps.

The success of Matej Mohoric and his words full of emotion were the icing on the cake for a well paid tribute to Gino.

The wonder of Kasper Asgreen

In extremis but the herd did not leave the Tour empty.

The final stretch of Asgreen speaks of the cache of a Flanders winnerin an eternal, crazy sprint, 72 hours from Paris, with the entire Tour on his legs, and the peloton on his heels.

But not only that, the next day, the victory would be very expensive for Mohoric at the top of this 10-minute review that has made this 2023 Tour a marvel.

2023-08-02 07:16:57
#Oier #Lazkano #Spain #loses #asset #World #Cup


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