“Without Oriol Romeu we have faced”

“The point is a point. It’s a draw against a very good team, which will play in the Champions League this season”, analyzed Aleix Garcia, minutes after the premiere of the Girona in the League with the match against the Royal Society (1-1). The midfielder from Ulldecona, fundamental last year, faces his third consecutive year as white-and-red with stripes in the middle of the field. “The goal they scored against us at the beginning threw us off a bit, but I think the team recovered quickly. We controlled the game well enough and the feelings are positive”, he assured.

Errors to correct

Girona, as happened many times last year, also in Royal Arena, fell asleep and was about to pay dearly. “We must correct these mistakes. 1-0 is an easy action to defend, we must try to avoid it. If he gets to whistle a penalty a Blindputting us 2-0 up against would have made it better.”

The great protagonist of the day was, without a doubt, the Ukrainian Dovbyk. But without mastering the language, how does the squad communicate with the striker? “We know it’s complicated for him, but there are several players who can speak English and we try to translate and explain to him what the coach is asking. There are many of us who have been working with Míchel for a long time and know what he wants. We will try to help him as much as possible”, commented Aleix, letting out a laugh regarding the association that has been generated with Tsygankov. In the blink of an eye they made it 1-1. “We hope that only the two of them score goals like this every game.”

VIDEO Míchel’s motivational speech to his players: “It’s the year to believe, grow and be immortal”

Asked about the loss of his great friend and partner in the middle of the field, Oriol Romeu, Aleix stated that “the team has been able to defend well. They have created chances for us because Real Sociedad has a very high level, but David López and Blind have made a difference. It is clear that Oriol cannot be replaced, because he is a very important figure, but the team, without him, has performed very well».

Finally, which place is marked in the League, Aleix? “The most positive thing is that practically the squad is complete, with no tweaks. We don’t have to think about Europathe objective is permanence».

2023-08-14 04:30:31
#Oriol #Romeu #faced


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