Adrian Mannarino’s Unexpected Revelation: The Difficulty of Keeping Match Opponents a Secret

This day in the team, Adrian Mannarino explains with great sincerity why he never wants to know who he will play against. Except that sometimes the secret is hard to keep. This is exactly what happened to him this season at Roland‐Garros.

“Before Roland‐Garros started this year, I was driving back to the hotel and the driver started talking to me while I was listening to music. I take off the earphones, and he says to me: “Ah, you’re playing against the Frenchman! Me: “No, no, I don’t want to know!” “Yes, yes, it’s against Humbert, I looked!” ” A disaster. Roland, against a Frenchman, against a friend. You’re having a crazy evening”

2023-09-01 07:45:00
#Unusual #Roland #Garros #big #dumpling #driver #Mannarino


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