Alice Maccotta Returns to Romano for Women’s Volleyball Series C

Choices dictated by study reasons had led her away from her usual people and places. Now, her call was stronger than anything, bringing her back to where she grew up in terms of sport. Romano’s path in the next tournament women’s volleyball series C will be able to count on a welcome return capable of raising the team’s competitive rate. Alice Maccotta he returns to Sicily and leaves again with Romano, his second family.

Spiker, born in ’02, took her first steps in a very small gym, in the company sports training centers with teacher Gabriella Barresi. At the age of seven, a great passion for artistic gymnastics made her completely change course, thus leaving the parquet to fly between parallel bars, beam and vault. She therefore continued at a competitive level with the Polisportiva Trinacria of Spadafora until the age of thirteen. Volleyball, however, is never completely set aside; in fact, these are the years in which she begins to reconcile the two disciplines. However, when competitive commitments overlap, she is forced to make a choice. Her love for volleyball prevails and will accompany her in all the subsequent years of her training, starting her youth path by taking the leading role in all the under championships. These are the years in which the prestigious invitations to the Provinces Trophy (2013/2014 and 2014/2015) and subsequently to the Regions Trophy (2015/2016 and 2016/2017) arrive. At the same time, he played in student tournaments, reaching the national finals, first with the lower middle school (in the disciplines of volleyball and badminton), then with the high school with which he reached fourth place at the Italian Championships in Abruzzo in June 2017. With Romano he also participated in the First Division championship, obtaining – together with a group of very young teammates – promotion to Serie D. Meanwhile, at the age of fifteen, the first call-ups to Serie C arrived where, gradually, he would gain ownership and captain’s ranks which he will wear for two seasons. Since September 2021 she has moved to Naples to undertake university studies. At the same time, she has her first experience in the national B2 championship with the Molinari Volley Napoli shirt. The following year she played in the Serie C championship with Volley World Napoli until the play-off semi-final for promotion to B2. Last summer she returned to Milazzo to complete her studies at the Faculty of Languages ​​of the University of Messina.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while – Alice Maccotta immediately declares. I studied for two years in Naples and now I’m back. I enrolled at the University of Messina and next year I will play again for Romano where I spent the years of my volleyball growth. I’m very happy because these two years away from home have been useful, also from a sporting point of view, but I really missed playing with my family of origin.”

Romano’s spiker takes the opportunity to return to the experiences he has had, for the first time in his sporting history, with a shirt different from that of the Mamertine, also making his debut in a national championship: “My first year in Naples I played with Molinari in B2 and it was a totally new experience because I had always played not only with the same shirt but also only in Serie C. I got to know new places and was confronted with different technical/tactical levels. In B2 you compete against stronger players of a different category. Committing to competing was important to me and made me grow.”. Now her companions are waiting for her to go and get it promotion to B2 escaped last year at the very end: “I followed a lot throughout the championship; even my companions from Naples were passionate about the extraordinary journey made. While the final was being played with Volley Palermo I felt like I was on the pitch. I thought that up until two years before it was my team; I could have been there too and I cheered for them until the end. The result was not obtained for a very short time but I hope that, this year, we can follow the same path and take away the satisfaction of a goal that has, for now, only come close”. At Romano, Alice will return to being coached by dad Mauro: “It’s a source of pride for both him and me. Dad watched me grow both at home and on the field. I strongly believe he is a great coach due to his qualities. I’m not saying this because he’s my dad. It’s beautiful and complicated, dividing home and gym, but we’re very good at reconciling it: at home I’m the daughter, in the gym I’m the athlete.” Now, a new season with many expectations: “I expect a wonderful group to be created, as happened last year, but also to achieve volleyball results. It’s about playing for fun, but it’s even more fun when you manage to get results on the pitch. The minimum objective is salvation, but then we will have to fight for something more.”

2023-09-15 15:51:32
#VOLLEYBALL #SERIES #Nino #Romano #return #Alice #Maccotta



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