Ambush in Tor Bella Monaca, Daniele Di Giacomo (38 years old) dead and his partner shot: passionate motive

«No, Daniele, no! If he had been a criminal, perhaps he deserved to die on the street, but he had three children and two of them are also sick”, shouts his uncle. Daniele Di Giacomo, 38 years old, shot dead by at least four gunshots. Another relative approaches him, stops him, tries to calm him down and says: “Don’t worry uncle, we know who did it.” It’s 5.30pm when a Roma yet another murder takes place: in via Ferdinando Quaglia, one of the most well-known and consolidated drug dealing squares in Tor Bella Monaca. A man comes out of a tobacconist, heads with a woman towards the car parked a few meters away, gets in and is hit. But despite the place, and even the victim’s criminal record, this time the motive would be of a passionate nature. The timely arrival of help does not save the 38-year-old who is covered by a cloth while the woman who was with him and whom he had been seeing for a few months, hit by a bullet in the knee, ends up hospitalized in code red at the Tor Vergata polyclinic. The police and Flying Squad officers arrive on the scene but the picture, beyond the dynamics, already appears clear when the victim’s mother and sister also arrive in Via Quaglia. Findings of objects by the investigators last night were still missing but for them the killer has a specific name and surname.


Di Giacomo’s sister also screams: “I’ll tell you who killed him – she repeats turning to the officers – And if you don’t catch him I swear that I won’t rest and I will look for him as long as I breathe”.

She is confident and without beating around the bush points the finger at the relationship that her brother, with a wife and young children, would have had with the 26-year-old for some time. An Italian girl of Moroccan origins, in turn engaged to another man, residing in Tor Bella Monaca, not far from the location of the ambush. The police searches are focusing precisely in this direction: finding the partner, or ex-partner, of the 26-year-old. However, another reason for the crime cannot be ruled out at the moment, namely that the victim, a resident of the Borghesiana, was killed for debts. But this hypothesis would also lead to the 26-year-old’s partner or ex-partner. However, it is he who the police are looking for. The girl underwent emergency surgery last night. In her family, two uncles were arrested by the police in June last year on charges of possession and dealing of drugs. The investigations ascertained that the two men managed an “enlarged” square which from Tor Bella Monaca served coastal areas such as Anzio and lower Lazio: Latina, Sezze and Fondi. One of the two was responsible for managing arrivals from North Africa, the other was responsible for introducing drugs into the drug dealing centers starting from Tor Bella Monaca.

According to what the girl reconstructed, the couple had recently gotten back into the car when someone, with their face covered, shot them and then fled. He would have fired a series of shots in close succession against the window and then fled on foot. In via Quaglia there would be cameras that could have filmed the scene or part of it. It is almost impossible to rely on the support of the residents and traders on the street. Nobody would have seen anything, many would have looked out from their balconies and windows once they heard the shots. Four shots also landed on the side of the car. The prosecutor’s office has opened a case of voluntary homicide against unknown persons.

«You killed me like a dog, but what kind of people are you, how do you live here? You think you can solve everything by killing people.” It is the victim’s mother, Mrs. Sandra, who attacks the neighborhood. She arrives on site looking for her son, to contain her pain they had made her believe that he had been injured but arriving at the Tor Vergata hospital without finding him she reached via Quaglia. She collapsed to the ground, the 118 medics had to rescue her. She railed against the neighborhood and against the officers: “Have you still not stopped the person who killed him?”.

2023-09-14 22:25:58
#Ambush #Tor #Bella #Monaca #Daniele #Giacomo #years #dead #partner #shot #passionate #motive



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