Avilés Femenino wants promotion

The Avilés Femenino does not hide. “We want promotion,” they acknowledge when asked about their goal for this season. The Blue and Whites, who finished third last season, face a challenge next Saturday that promises to be exciting. After a summer in which six new faces have arrived, the team led by Pedro Arboleya wants to leave Primera Nacional and, at the end of the year, go to the Parque del Muelle to celebrate what would be a historic achievement. “If we go up, we will tattoo the date,” promise Carmen Peñalver, Alba Fernández and Daniela González, three of the team’s pillars.

“The preseason has been a bit hard, but we have adapted quite well to the new season,” says Peñalver, motivated by the new campaign that is about to begin. “We have competed against superior teams and we have not been bad at all. We won the last summer tournament that we played, so things cannot go better,” says Alba, who believes that the preseason they have carried out can be key to achieve his big goal. As Daniela recalls, the first month last year was disastrous, reaping five defeats, which ended up condemning her promotion options. “Here only the first ascends, which makes it very difficult to achieve it. You can’t get confused in any match because any mistake throws everything out of balance,” explains the captain, who does not want to have even the slightest mistake so that everything goes smoothly from the start. principle.

This year Avilés has again bet heavily on its women’s team and proof of this are the six additions it has made during the winter market. “We have maintained the main block, with fourteen players from last season”, analyzes Pedro Arboleya, the team’s coach, who believes that this year they have known how to “detect the needs we had, so that the new ones fit in the conditions we wanted”. . “All those who have come have a lot of quality, they are going to make things difficult for those who remain,” says the coach. The players attest to this. “Let’s hope they don’t take our job,” they joke, although they point out that now the competitiveness within the team is going to rise. “This way it pays more to come to train, because everything is much more close. From the beginning they are contributing a lot,” they agree. In addition, the blue and whites appreciate the boost that the club is giving to the women’s team. “It is motivating to see that you have a structure behind you that is committed to the women’s team. For us it is a great support and makes a difference compared to other teams,” says Daniela. The three are very hopeful that, little by little, “women’s football is beginning to flourish.”

The Avilés Femenino squad Ricardo Solis

Their first rival in this new season will be Sporting B, a team that they have just beaten in one of their last summer games, which makes them start with even more motivation if possible. “We arrived at a good level of form and mentality. We really want to start and do it in the best possible way,” says Peñalver, something that his coach wants to insist on. “Last year we saw that the first month of the League conditioned us. This year the expectations are high, so we have to compete from day one,” he adds.

After quickly discussing whether to dye their hair in Avilés colors or do some other kind of madness, Peñalver, Alba and Daniela agree to tattoo the date of that long-awaited promotion. “Let’s hope that everything goes well, that with the tattoo you have for another report,” they joke. Now, to wait until the end of the season to see if Avilés gets that promotion and, of course, to see if they keep their promise.

2023-09-07 02:01:08
#Avilés #Femenino #promotion


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