Bernd Schuster: A LaLiga Legend Reflects on Derbies and Rivalries

Bernd Schuster He was one of the best footballers of his generation. Silver Ball in 1981 and Bronze Ball On two occasions, 1981 and 1985, he defended the colors of the big three of LaLiga. Therefore, he played (and won, and scored) derbies with both the Real Madrid and Atlético shirts. He says that he always found these games more special than the Clásicos, perhaps because at that time it was the big game of the championship. He is prohibited from playing soccer, but he continues to watch and analyze it. He is a LaLiga legend, so he does not surprise that the talk takes place at the headquarters of Legends.

ASK. You played Clásicos, but you say you preferred derbies. Because?

ANSWER. Because there was more than just a weekend game and three points looking at the standings. You also included the fans a little. Wherever you move around the city you meet a lot of people. All of this leads you to realize that something important is happening here.

Q. He played on both teams. When you sit in front of the TV on Sunday to watch the derby, who are you going to cheer for?

A. In general, of course, being in both, whoever wins is fine with me. Sometimes it’s because of the team’s or the coach’s sympathy, maybe you like one person to win more than the other, but in general I like to be like that between the two. Then I’m happy if there is a winner, of course there is. And then we have so many people, so many friends and they all ask me. “What do you think? What do you think?” We don’t know everything either, we are not magicians, but I am happy for anyone who can win.

Q. Were you motivated by Luis in these games like Futre?

A. No, not with me, but when I was very young I already understood derbies, what these matches are and what they mean. In general I had the advantage that very soon I started playing for my fans, to please my fans, to make them happy. I didn’t need more, because I knew what it was, both at Madrid and at Atlético. But of course, Luis Aragonés was a genius at these things, he knew that he had to click, he had to chop, because he was 100% a lifelong Atlético de Madrid, from the history of Atlético, and he knew that beating Madrid was key, important.

Q. How do you remember the clashes between Futre and Buyo?

A. I remember because Paulo was very like that too, very athletic, 100%. Coming from Real Madrid, I didn’t get to that extreme, I got to the point where I knew what it was like for my fans to beat Real Madrid and I had to do everything. But Paulo was history, he was from the club, from the colors, people loved him a lot and still love him. And of course, obsessed with the games, focused… Paulo was very exaggerated in all these things.

Q. Is today’s football different from yours?

A. Well, some things are, but where I see the biggest difference is in the conditions in general. Today you don’t have to play on a bad field. Beautiful stadiums, nutrition, training systems, how they take care of the player today, the possibilities of taking care of yourself are much greater. And that would have helped us. We live… I remember that gyms almost didn’t exist. And if there was one, there were three machines inside. Today you step into a locker room or gym of these teams and well, it’s amazing. That has changed a lot and it helps the player physically and in all his mobility. It helps a lot.

Q. You were a Silver Ball winner and a Bronze Ball winner twice. How much would it cost today?

A. Well, if I tell you the truth, sometimes I have gotten angry with my father because my sister could have been born first and 10-15 years later I… The players who were there at that time, mind you, would have had the same value, because in terms of quality we have not been behind those who are today.

Q. Which player do you enjoy?

A. I really enjoyed it, now that I’ve seen some videos, with players like Ronaldinho, Zidane… When I saw them on TV I said ‘give the ball to them, that’s when it starts’. Iniesta, Messi of course. Then I also liked guys like Ronaldo, those natural goal scorers who only think about scoring and winning. Those also touch me a lot.

Q. Are you one of those who believe that Madrid needs a forward?

A. I think that in the last 10-15 years he was lucky enough to meet a Cristiano Ronaldo, and Benzema who then followed his scoring point. Now suddenly it’s clear… We don’t have to blame Joselu, who is a player who is going to score goals but can’t reach the extremes of these two. We know that there has been talk all summer about Mbappé for another year, that he would have helped Vinicius score goals, but we have to wait again.

Q. How do you see Germany?

A. We are in a generation change. After the World Cup in Brazil we have gradually gone downhill, important players from that era have left us and what happens many times: generations are not arriving and it is hurting us. That shows in the selection. We are full of foreigners and the nationals are not reaching that level to be among the best.

Q. He is still a coach. Who is your reference?

A. I tell you the truth, when I started training it was Arsene Wenger, because I saw in his team a football that was very close to my idea of ​​how I wanted to play with my teams. Guardiola of course, another. But then I did something, and the Cholo thing seemed perfect to me. It’s a contrast, but I like it because it works, it’s successful. I respect him a lot because in my time I went to see Arsene Wenger, then Guardiola, Pellegrini is another player that I like for his way of thinking about football. And then I went to see Ranieri, as if I were going to see Cholo Simeone now, because I liked how he thought, what he had that could be useful to me. It was during the time he was at Atlético, I went to visit him. Apart from being a great person, his way of seeing football was interesting. I liked it and I was a person who always took something for myself. Total, offensive football doesn’t work at all if you want to win something. If you want to win a few games and say ‘how nice you play…’, but in the end we want to win a title, then it means taking a commitment from both of us.

Q. So it’s Cholista.

A. Part yes, part yes.

2023-09-24 03:59:41
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