Blau-Weiß Wittorf’s Mixed Results in the Badminton Bundesliga: 1:6 Loss and 4:3 Win against Union Lüdinghausen

4:3 win against Union Lüdinghausen


Blau-Weiß Wittorf starts with wins and losses in the Badminton Bundesliga

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The most successful woman from Wittorf on the double match day: the Dane Camilla Martens.

After a clear 1:6 defeat at the start of the Badminton Bundesliga, Blau-Weiß Wittorf celebrated a narrow 4:3 home win against SV Union 08 Lüdinghausen on the double match day. Matthias Kicklitz and Camilla Martens presented themselves particularly well.

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Neumünster. At the start of the Badminton Bundesliga, Blau-Weiß Wittorf suffered a crushing defeat against 1. BC Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim and a narrow 4:3 home win against SV Union 08 Lüdinghausen.

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2023-09-24 16:36:32
#BlauWeiß #Wittorf #defeated #Union #Lüdinghausen



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