Bundesliga Sees Opportunities in German Basketball World Cup Triumph

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – Managing director Stefan Holz also sees opportunities for the Bundesliga in the German basketball players’ World Cup triumph.

“Of course you can benefit from such a great success. We noticed that last year after the European Championships. We started the new season on a higher plateau,” Holz told the German Press Agency. Germany secured its first World Cup title in history with an 83:77 win over Serbia on Sunday in Manila. Last year, Dennis Schröder and Co. won bronze at the home European Championships.

The ratings for TV partner Magenta increased as a result, emphasized Holz. “It’s not a total game changer now. It’s not immediately a different world and the whole of Germany is now watching basketball and no longer football. But of course it helps. You just can’t overload it with expectations now,” the official made clear. The Bundesliga, which now describes itself as the “League of World Champions,” changed its media partner this summer. In the future, it will no longer be broadcast by Magentasport, but by the new sports TV provider Dyn, in which the media company Axel Springer has a majority stake.

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2023-09-11 12:03:12
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