Coach Reflects on Victory and Ambitions for the Season Ahead

“You are surely very happy after this great victory against Lens (3-0)…
I am happy because we have faced our biggest opponent since the start of the season, qualified for the Champions League. We were solid, including on defensive and offensive set pieces. This demonstrates our work in this area, which is very important because each match can switch to this type of action. I am very happy with the balance sheet of 10 points after four matches, even if we deserved to win in Nantes. All was not good tonight. In the second half, we went downhill. But we fought on every ball.

Were you dreaming of this start to the season? Are you surprised?
I’m not a dreamer, I’m a realist. We worked a lot in the off-season, in training, we had good friendly matches. The players learn every day, we do a lot of meetings, video work. They grow rapidly. But the season is still long.

Can the truce break the dynamic?
I do not know. I told the players to enjoy it with their selections, to come back healthy. Above all, we have two fantastic home matches to come with Nice and OM. We must prepare quickly for these meetings.

Why do you change players so late in the matches?
It’s not always easy to find the right time to change. Sometimes, you shouldn’t interrupt the dynamic by bringing in players. It’s my coaching, my feelings. You don’t always have to change everything.

Can you be more ambitious because you don’t have Europe to play for?
We play once a week, maybe it’s an advantage for us to be able to train a lot during the week. But we want to get back to the European Cup quickly, I hope we will get there with this group. I’m happy with what we did during the summer transfer window. We will see if we have to redo something in winter or if players want to leave. »

2023-09-02 22:03:51
#Adi #Hütter #Monacos #victory #Lens #players #developing #quickly


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