Donggang District’s “Village BA” Basketball League: A Success in Promoting Rural Culture and Healthy Lifestyles

Donggang District’s “Village BA” Basketball League is a hit

Source: Rizhao News Network Release time: 2023-09-25 09:59:36

  Rizhao Daily/Rizhao News Network Recently, in order to further promote a virtuous and healthy lifestyle in the new era and help revitalize rural culture, Donggang District, relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Station (station), launched 10 “Village BA” basketball games, with more than 1,400 participating athletes and on-site spectators. There were tens of thousands of people attending the competition.

Regarding the sports feast at their doorstep, the masses actively watched the game, bringing the old and the young to “watch the excitement”. The venue was packed with shouts, cheers and applause. The atmosphere was hot and the scene was lively.

Many enterprises, agricultural cooperatives, and individual industrial and commercial households also participated in the competition activities to expand the visibility of their products.

Using the event as a medium, many mass cultural and sports activities are integrated into the event. All towns and streets used the competition to fully display the vivid scenes of “every village has activities, big villages have big plays, family traditions and tutoring are good for every family, every village has competitions and competitions, and there are big gatherings at the four seasons celebrations”. They all performed Tai Chi fans and square dances As a “warm-up” program for the event, it increased public participation.

Nanhu Town interspersed cheerleading, square dancing, singing by peasant singers and other performances that reflected the cultural characteristics of Nanhu Town between the competition sections, achieving an organic combination of “sports + culture”.

The “Village BA” basketball league has made the event popular, entertained the masses, established a “new trend” of rural culture, and injected “new momentum” into rural revitalization. (Reported by Liu Jiangxue, all-media reporter of Rizhao Newspaper)

2023-09-25 02:30:21
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