Finding Bargains: Key Players to Consider for Your SuperManager acb Team

One of the keys to being able to form competitive teams at the start of the SuperManager acb It is being able to sign players that allow us to incorporate more expensive players and that can give us more reliability. With a budget of 5,000,000, the average for each signing would be €500,000 to be able to bring 10 players, so to consider a player a bargain, I at least consider it from €400,000.

I think it has been a complicated preview of Matchday 1 when it comes to placing bargains, either because some players remain slightly above €400,000 and, in part, also because of how the World Cup dispute affects the fact that the rotations are not complete for the moment and may affect how they evolve. Some of the names mentioned here are altered by this, but may still be interesting. Let’s go to trouble.

Rokas Jokubaitis (€350,000)

Despite the changes that have affected Barça in different positions and on the bench, one of the positions that remains stable compared to last season is the base. Tomas Satoransky will continue to be the main in this position, but if Rokas Jokubaitis It maintains its good evolution from last year and maintains the inertia of its good World Cup, although it seems a little short on minutes, it may be enough for it to be able to make its €350,000 price very profitable from the start. I don’t think that in the long term he is going to be a player with a lot of presence in the teams, but we already saw last year how he was able to start the season with 4 consecutive games without dropping below a 15 rating. With an 8.1 he would raise the maximum on the first day facing Joventut Badalona.

Ben Lammers (€350,000)

Dreamland Gran Canaria will debut a pair of centers this season and both have previous experience in the Endesa League. On the one hand, Ethan Happ who will be the third most expensive center in the game after his brilliant last season with Río Breogán and on the other Ben Lammers, formerly of Surne Bilbao Basket and which will have a much cheaper starting price. Lammers already demonstrated in his previous stage to be a quite effective center in certain contexts, one who makes few mistakes and whose main danger is the burden of personal fouls, but starting the season at home against BAXI Manresa and then having the match against Bàsquet Girona doesn’t seem like a bad calendar for him at all. It doesn’t sound bad as a possible signing for two days if it works in the first and get him out before facing Ante Tomic in the 3rd, something similar that could be said to those who choose to bet on a Happ who will need a rating of 19 to raise the maximum . Lammers needs only 8.1.

Melwin Pantzar (€320,000)

In bargains we usually have many players who come to the Endesa League new or who do so on different teams than the ones they played previously. That is the case of Pants, leader last year of Real Valladolid in the LEB Oro and who will now be one of the game directors of Surne Bilbao Basket along with Alex Renfroe. His preseason has been very regular, managing to have good scoring games (13 points and 23 PIR against Real Madrid) and compensating for others of lesser success with contributions in assists and rebounds. It could be an especially interesting little flag on matchday 1 against MoraBanc Andorra because matchday 2 will be a free change and that will allow us to face that second day with 4 substitutions instead of 2 and, if Pantzar makes 8 or more, with an extra €48,000 in the pocket for change.

Nihad Djedovic (€340,000)

The €340,000 on the eaves is the fashionable price for the flags. For that price we can find Darío Brizuela at Barça, Chumi Ortega at Zunder Palencia, Jaime Fernández at Lenovo Tenerife… or Nihad Djedovic at the Unicaja Málaga. The Bosnian was already one of the mainstays last year at the start of the season, taking advantage of his stripes in Ibon Navarro’s new Unicaja and although it was a little more or less, he ended up being very regular, almost as much as in the preseason. 4 of his 5 games having scored 14 or more and with his only puncture a 7 against Covirán Granada with only 3 points. Needing an 8 to increase 15%, he does not seem to be a bad signing, especially seeing that Unicaja Málaga’s schedule with Lenovo Tenerife, he visits Casademont Zaragoza and Valencia Basket will be demanding from the start. He can be an interesting little flag from the beginning.


Sergio Rodríguez (€270,000)

With the arrival of Facundo Campazzo to Real Madrid this year we will have more presence of the white team in the base position… although for the first few days and seeing his starting price it may be that The thing could be an alternative. Last year was very irregular but in the final stretch he showed the basketball that he still has left and if Carlos Alocén (who has not played in preseason) does not manage to make it to the first day, the 15-20 minutes that Campazzo leaves against Casademont could be valuable Zaragoza and BAXI Manresa to give two good climbs and contribute a little flag to the teams. His price makes him raise the maximum with just a 6.3 rating and he would only need 14.5 in two games to raise €88,000. It may not be a bad deal before Real Madrid vs Barça on matchday 3 in which his permanence would be more delicate.

Brandon Brown (280.000 €)

I did not want to repeat players and teams in this article but there are two circumstances that make me repeat myself. In the case of Brandon Brown, because we will surely not find a point guard with the leading role on his team and possibly a starter at such an apparently affordable price. Then he has to respond, of course, and in the preseason he has already left a certain sign of irregularity outside of facing Barça on matchday 2, but 3 of his 4 games rating 8 or more with a pair of 13s, for that price and counting That he can have at least 25 minutes of departure (then we’ll see if Keye Van der Vuurst gains ground) doesn’t sound too bad to me. At least to keep in mind once the first days pass and they have a more desirable calendar (MoraBanc Andorra, Joventut Badalona and BAXI Manresa), that Zunder Palencia’s outside game will need more protagonists apart from Yannick Franke and the work of Chumi Ortega .

Tres Tinkle (400.000 €)

Along with Surne Bilbao Basket, the other team that will have the advantage of free change after the first day will be Monbus Obradoiro. However, apart from the renewal of Thomas Scrubb, a good part of their players are new additions to the Endesa League and many of them are placed at prices outside the bargain range. However, Tinkle He has proven to be an interesting addition for the Galician team thanks to his long-distance scoring in the power forward position, something that will make him dangerous at times but if it works in the debut against Zunder Palencia it could leave us with a good initial rise and good rating in addition to the extra change.

Yiftach Ziv (380.000 €)

A case similar to that of Brown at Zunder Palencia will be that of Ziv and the Covirán Granada. Last year we already saw the number of balls that passed through Renfroe’s hands within Pablo Pin’s schemes and although this time he will have Joe Thomasson from the beginning of the season, the point guard will continue to have an important job. Ziv has not dropped below 8 in preseason, he rated Dreamland Gran Canaria 12 and was able to give UCAM Murcia a 19 with 19 points, precisely his rival on the first day. He got into the triples, yes, but he can be a regular and interesting player for his starting price. With a 9 he raises everything and has 3 of the first 4 games playing at home and only having to visit Joventut Badalona. He doesn’t sound like a bad addition and he may have his moments during the season.

Yannick Kraag (150,000 €) y Pep Busquets (180,000 €)

I decided to wait for the semi-finals of the Catalan League in case any of them came out stronger but they haven’t looked very good. Surely they are not the best bets for J1 having to start the year at the Palau, although once we have seen in preseason that Deshaun Thomas is going to play power forward, the number 3 position at Joventut Badalona is going to remain in his favor. hands. And we have already gotten used to having small forwards in La Penya that work really well for us in recent years before leaving for other teams (first Xabi López-Arostegui and then Joel Parra). Who will assume the stripes in this 23/24? With the starting price of both, if one manages to win in minutes and consistency it will be so as not to lose sight of them. Before the puncture against Barça, Kraag had rated 8 against Valencia Basket and 14 against Bàsquet Girona. We’ll see if he recovers numbers before the premiere.


Matt Haarms (370.000 €)

To date, one of the names of the preseason with the asterisk of having played it without his main competition in his position: Anzejs Pasecniks. The Latvian will arrive with just a few days to prepare for the first day and we will see if Haarms remains as a starter and can continue producing as he has until now. He gave a rating of 31 to Surne Bilbao Basket, 19 to Casademont Zaragoza, 12 to Baskonia and 14, again, to Casademont Zaragoza. He has managed to contribute well on the rebound, add in certain situations and has not been burdened with many fouls, the main danger that I considered when landing in the Endesa League. It doesn’t seem like a completely obvious signing to me due to the situation with Pasecniks, but at least he positions himself as an alternative among the cheap interiors, raising the maximum from 8.5.

2023-09-12 09:38:03
#SuperManager #bargains #ACB.COM


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