Genova Rookies Promote Second Open Day of Women’s Football and Unveil Rookies Open Week

Big news at Genova Rookies. After yesterday’s success on the Iren Field in Corso Europa, the president’s club Livio Caponi promotes the second open day of women’s football.

The desire is to develop this sector and thus offer a multisport experience. Those who play softball can try soccer and vice versa. “They are absolutely compatible disciplines also from a temporal point of view – smiles Caponi – Football is played mainly in autumn-winter and softball in spring-summer.”

It’s now officially open Rookies Open Week. Every day, Monday through Friday, the opportunity to try out baseball, softball, American flag football and women’s soccer. It is possible to contact the Genova Rookies secretariat on 344 057 5909 for more information and to find out the training times!

I Rookies they will be present both at the Sport City Day on Sunday 17 September at the Giardini di Quinto from 9am to 7pm and at the SportAbility Day on Saturday 23 September with baseball for the blind and seated table football.

2023-09-12 16:40:22
#Rookies #Open #Week #opening #bang #womens #football


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