German Baseball and Softball Association Offers B Trainer Training with MLB Coaches in 2023-2024

The German Baseball and Softball Association is pleased to be able to offer training to become a B trainer (baseball) again for anyone interested after a long break. The training will start this year and end with a final exam in autumn next year.

Among the speakers we can boast renowned coaches from the MLB. We would like to welcome the following personalities to the course:

Mike Griffin: Pro5Baseball Academy
Scott Emerson: MLB Pitching Coach der Oakland Athletics
Tim Hyers: MLB Hitting Coach Texas Rangers
Tom Gillespie: Pittsburgh Pirates


The demanding trainer training covers, among other things, the following in-depth areas:

Deepening the basics of baseball. Examples and background information for training implementation. Game philosophy. Player development. Expanding action skills. Building a baseball program in the club


The training is divided into two attendance modules: November 30th – December 3rd, 2023 in Regensburg and February 16th – February 18th, 2024 in Frankfurt/M. as well as an online module. Homework and a final paper must be completed during the course (submission by July 30, 2024). The training will be completed with an online theory exam on May 20, 2024 and a colloquium on the final thesis in September 2024 as a practical part.

All requirements for applying (possible until September 30, 2023) can be found in the BSM advertisement. The participation fee is €950.00. This includes all course costs including accommodation and full board. You have to pay for your own arrival and departure.

If you have any questions about training, head coach Martin Brunner is available at brunner(at)

2023-09-11 06:52:05
#coach #training #baseball #DBV


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