Goodbye to Napolitano, state funeral on Tuesday. Putin’s condolences – News

The funeral of the President Emeritus of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano will take place next Tuesday in the Chamber with a secular ceremony. Undersecretary of State Alfredo Mantovano has arranged for a state funeral to be celebrated for Napolitano. It will thus not be necessary to convene an extraordinary Council of Ministers. the day of the state funeral celebrations will be declared national mourning. The funeral will take place in the churchyard of Piazza Montecitorio. As was done for the former presidents of the Chamber Pietro Ingrao and Nilde Iotti. On those two occasions, a canopy was set up in front of the entrance to the Palace to accommodate the family, parliamentarians and the highest officials of the State who attended the ceremony. While the body was placed on a catafalque in front of the authorities’ stage. Almost certainly, it is explained in parliamentary circles, the same scheme will also be followed on the occasion of Napolitano’s secular state funeral.

President Napolitano’s funeral home will be open on Sunday at 10am in the presence of the President of the Republic Mattarella and the President of the Senate La Russa. From 11am access will be open to everyone until 6pm and then from 10am to 4pm on Monday.

For further information ANSA Agency Putin offers condolences to Mattarella for Napolitano’s death – Politics – Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his condolences to the Head of State Sergio Mattarella for the death of President Emeritus Giorgio Napolitano. The Kremlin reports this, as reported by Tass. “Dear Mr. Mattarella, please accept my deepest condolences for the passing of the former President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano,” the Kremlin said in a statement. (HANDLE)

‘King George’ from the PCI to Colle. the first twice-elected president

The man of reform at all costs leaves us, a very classy, ​​elegant and “fussy” Neapolitan, as he himself defined himself. Attentive to every detail, tireless worker, profound knowledge of parliamentary life and the political dynamics of the entire republican history. Always discreetly accompanied by his wife Clio, Giorgio Napolitano began his first seven-year term at the Quirinale in 2006, rejoicing in Italy’s victory at the World Cup in Berlin and concluded the almost two years of his second mandate with some regrets for not having managed to see those institutional changes for which so much has been spent completely completed.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Napolitano and the broad agreements against the anti-politics of the 5S – News – The clashes with the 5 Stars and moralizing fanaticism (ANSA)

But above all, “King George” had to face what many consider the darkest period of the last 50 years, navigating the rocks of a harsh economic crisis. And he did it with an unshakable conviction: that Italy needed political stability. In the name of this principle he has always tried to avoid early dissolution of the legislature. Certainly the worst moment – which combined personal bitterness and institutional concern – was his indirect involvement in the trial on the alleged State-mafia negotiation with the exceptional testimony at the Palermo Court which went away to the Quirinale.

In fact, Napolitano’s presidency was neither light nor easy. But he has always kept the commitment made on 15 May 2006 when as new president he solemnly promised in front of the Chambers that he would never be the head of state of the majority that had elected him, but that he would always look to the interests general of the country. And so it was, given that after having climbed to the highest hill in Italian politics with only the votes of the centre-left, he ended his first seven-year term with the open support of the centre-right.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Napolitano: from the Pope to Mattarella and Meloni, the tribute to the president emeritus – News – The head of state: ‘Faithful interpreter of the Constitution’. The memory of the pontiff: ‘Always in search of the common good’. The prime minister and the government: ‘The deepest condolences to the family’ (ANSA)

A support that gradually cooled during the historic encore in 2013 at the Quirinale which saw Silvio Berlusconi condemned and his men often attacked the president politically. The 2006 election was by no means a given. His origins from the PCI made him viewed with suspicion by Berlusconi’s centre-right. But the fact of being the first communist leader to become president of the Republic did not prevent the Knight from giving him public praise shortly after. Until the request to let him stay at the Quirinale to overcome that turbulent political phase. An annihilated Parliament, after having burned calibers such as Franco Marini and Romano Prodi in the secrecy of the ballot box, once again handed him the scepter of Colle, showering him with applause while Napolitano held a very harsh speech towards an entire political class in the Montecitorio chamber .

For further information Agenzia ANSA The prophecy of a “red flag” at Colle – News – Written in an old PCI song (ANSA)

His psychological strength and mediation skills have been unanimously recognized over the years. Even the League initially had to recognize his commitment on the federalism front, despite the head of state having reprimanded the Northern League several times on the issue of national unity. Having left his beloved home in the Monti district with regret, he dedicated great attention to international relations. In fact, the esteem he enjoyed abroad was undoubted: Washington, for example, has always considered him one of its most authoritative and reliable interlocutors.

A convinced European, Napolitano has always supported the indispensability of the European Union, gradually convincing himself that, as in Italy, only decisive reforms of the Eurobureaucracy could curb the detachment of citizens and cool the growing populism. Affable and courteous, with always measured tones, he found himself having to face a wall against a wall only with Grillo and his movement, seen by the head of state, at least in its most extreme components, as the germ of anti-politics. One of the characterizing elements of his presidency was the attempt to speak to the whole of Italy, to quell the clash between the currents (starting with those of the Democratic Party), to promote dialogue between the political forces in the interest of the country. Not an easy task during the turbulent years of his mandates. The first two of which he spends by monitoring the fibrillations that keep the Prodi government constantly on the razor’s edge. Until the fall and the return of the Knight to Palazzo Chigi.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Napolitano, biography – News – The long personal history of the president (ANSA)

The following three years passed in the effort to stem Berlusconi’s activism, preventing the furious controversies first over the ad personam laws and then over the sexual scandals from undermining the solidity of the institutions. Trying not to make ‘discounts’ to the centre-right, but preferring the weapon of ‘moral suasion’ to the much more disruptive one of postponing measures to the Chambers.

But the passage that will make him go down in history as ‘King Giorgio” (as the New York Times crowned him) is the one that brings Mario Monti to Palazzo Chigi in November 2011. Critics will speak of a presidential Republic, of an extensive interpretation of his prerogatives. Supporters will consider it a decisive move to prevent the country, pushed to the brink by the sovereign debt crisis, from falling. Having avoided default, Italy is unable to avoid recession. The image of the president’s ‘technical’ government is damaged. And with it also the political support for the tenant of the Colle. The PDL’s turmoil led to Monti’s resignation and the professor’s ‘rise into politics’ which Napolitano vainly advised against. The electoral results which did not give a clear majority, the crossed vetoes of the parties therefore pushed Napolitano to appoint Enrico Letta on the basis of a broad agreement. Then the unstoppable rise of Renzi with whom, despite the age difference, he was able to build a sincere and pragmatic relationship. Napolitano resigned on 14 January 2015. He then became a Senator by right and for life as President Emeritus of the Republic.

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2023-09-23 14:01:00
#Goodbye #Napolitano #state #funeral #Tuesday #Putins #condolences #News


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