HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found: Possible Causes and Solutions

HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found

The resource you are looking for has been removed, has been renamed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Likely cause: The specified directory or file does not exist on the web server. You entered the URL incorrectly. Restrict access to files from custom filters or modules such as URLScan. Possible solution: Create the content on the web server. Please review your browser URL. Create a tracking rule to track this HTTP status code in failed requests. For details on how to create tracking rules for failed requests hereClick on Detailed error details: Module IIS Web Core Notification MapRequestHandler Handler StaticFile Error code 0x80070002 Requested URL Physical path D:\_mobile\web\magazine\volume .asp?volumeid=56937 Logon Method Anonymous Logon User Anonymous Additional Information: This error means that the file or directory does not exist on the server. Create the file or directory and try the request again.

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2023-09-02 14:02:32
#IIS #Detailed #Error


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