Inauguration of New Sports Hall in Saint-André-les-Alpes: 65% Financed by Department

SPORTS / This infrastructure, which will be used in particular by the students of René Cassin college, was 65% financed by the department

– Alpes de Haute Provence –

Yesterday took place the inauguration of the new Sports Hall of Saint-André-les-Alpes in the presence of Marc Chappuis, prefect of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Maurice Laugier, president of the Community of Communes Alpes Provence Verdon, Serge Prato, the mayor of the commune, Jean-Yves Roux, senator and Alain Delsaux, departmental councilor of the canton. The department disbursed 1,733,952 euros, which represents 65% of the envelope necessary to finance this project, the total amount of which amounts to 2,647,941 euros. The practice of many sports will therefore be made possible such as tennis, handball, volleyball and even badminton. A climbing wall and dojo will now be available.

B. Grand

2023-09-17 17:17:00
#sports #hall #inaugurated #SaintAndrélesAlpes


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