Intercollegiate Individual Sports Kick Off at Semenor School Coliseum

The individual sports of the Intercollegiate Games of the Mayor’s Office of Manizales began today in the Semenor school coliseum.

The competitions in this discipline will be held between today and tomorrow. 120 athletes from 27 schools arrived.

The Games two weeks ago were held in team sports: micro-soccer, soccer, indoor soccer, volleyball and basketball.

The others: swimming, athletics, table tennis, field tennis, badminton, chess, wrestling, judo, taekwondo, weightlifting, fencing, boccia, boxing, karate, cheerleading, skating, handball, gymnastics, cycling, triathlon, shuffleboard and underwater activities.

What’s next

Fight: Thursday Terrazas de la Autónoma.

Swimming: Friday at the Aquatic Complex.

Underwater Activities: Friday at the Aquatic Complex.

Triathlon: Friday at the Aquatic Complex.

2023-09-11 17:09:49
#Individual #sports #began #today #chess #Intercollegiate #Games


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