Mastering the Defense Technique: Mae-mawari Ukemi in Judo

Do you know the defense method after being thrown in judo, the technique called mae-mawari ukemi? In judo, in order to protect your head when you are thrown forward, you do a dengri-gaeshi forward from yourself to protect your body by preventing a direct impact on your head. In judo, you have to practice not only attacking but also defending. In this article, I will explain how to defend after being thrown, and how to passively move forward.

How to passively turn forward while sitting

In a sitting position, place your left knee on the tatami mat, raise your right knee and place your heel on the tatami mat. In that state, put his left palm on the tatami mat and turn his face to the left. Roll diagonally forward while sliding your right hand between your left hand and right leg.

For ukemi, hit the tatami mat firmly with your left hand, and take the side ukemi while parrying the thrown impact. When taking the front round ukemi, the point is to take the ukemi while pulling the chin so as not to hit the tatami mat with the head. Extend your left hand and place your hand on the tatami mat. With your right leg bent, step on the tatami mat with the sole of your foot. Place your right hand in front of your abdomen.

How to do a forward turn passive while standing

While standing, step your right foot forward and bend your right knee slightly. The left foot catches the tatami mat at the ball of the foot and raises the heel to support the body.

Place your left palm on the tatami mat. The face is the same as the forward rotation passive when sitting, and turns to the left.

Slide your left hand onto the tatami mat from your pinky finger and pass it between your right and left legs.

Then, while sitting down, hit the tatami mat with your left hand and catch the recoil of the throw. Extend your left leg on the tatami mat, raise your right knee, and place your right heel on the tatami mat.

The point is to hit the tatami mat with your left hand and pull your chin.

You can protect your body by hitting the tatami mat with your left hand and parrying the impact. Also, don’t forget to tuck your chin in to protect your precious head. This is a very important point.

While keeping in mind the points of the semawari ukemi written above, let’s actually do the maemawari ukemi!

Check out the video!

[Judo]Easy-to-understand forward-turning passive commentary even for beginners

2023-09-01 01:27:39
#Front #ukemi #defend #thrown #practice #protect #headJudo #ukemi


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