Meurthe-et-Mosellans Clubs Face Uphill Battle in Championship

Now reduced to two following last year’s descent from Nancy/Villers, the Meurthe-et-Mosellans clubs had a fairly complicated start to the championship. First of all, Gondreville, at home, suffered a narrow 5-3 defeat against Etupes. The mixed doubles, both won by the visiting team, undoubtedly weighed heavily in the balance. For his part, Dommartemont had gotten used to years of crushing his opponents one by one during the regular season.

This time it was not the case with a perilous trip to Kembs, located 15 kilometers from Switzerland. On the field, the Alsatians left no chance to the Dommartemont players who had to suffer defeat after defeat. Only Dewit managed to save honor by winning over a simple man. It will be necessary to quickly pull themselves together for the two teams who… Will face each other in Dommartemont during the next day of October 7.

2023-09-10 21:07:02
#Badminton #False #start #MeurtheetMosellans #clubs


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