Monza: Palladino; football without memory, the past doesn’t count – Football

A year of Monza for Raffaele Palladino, at the helm of the red and whites since September 2022: “For me it is a pride to have defended these colors and achieved great results. We will try to do even more”. Also because, according to Palladino, the quality level of Serie A has risen: “The top teams have strengthened, as have those in the mid-table and the mid-tables like us. We will always try to compete with everyone, the mentality must be that. My job it doesn’t change, if anything I have to work harder. Football has no memory and last year’s results don’t count. Pressure? I take it as an opportunity for growth: it would be too nice if it were all roses and flowers and we won every match.”

Palladino, on the eve of the internal match against Lecce on Sunday at 3pm, closes on the market for free agents and on the Salento players: “We have Galliani who takes care of it, we are in good hands. Now let’s think about Lecce, who are in a moment of enthusiasm and have improved compared to last year, with more quality in the middle of the pitch.”

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2023-09-16 11:31:50
#Monza #Palladino #football #memory #doesnt #count #Football


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