Pickleball: The Rising Racket Sport Taking France by Storm

At the crossroads of tennis, padel, badminton and ping-pong, pickleball is coming to France. This racket sport has the advantage of being friendly, accessible and fun.

Mix all the racquet sports you know and you get… pickleball! Coming straight from the United States, it is most often played in doubles, like padel, on a field identical to that of a badminton double (6.1 x 13.41 meters), with a net placed barely lower than tennis and a racket made of composite materials evoking that of table tennis, but taller. The plastic ball, perforated with small holes, is borrowed from the wiffe ball, a variant of baseball.

The match, lasting an average of 20 minutes, is won in 11 points, like a ping-pong set. Only elements 100% specific to this sport and which make all the difference? In pickleball, you can only score points on your service, which is done diagonally and with the spoon. In addition, there is a non-volley zone (ZNV), located at a distance of 2.13 meters on each side of the net. In this space, the volley is strictly prohibited and the ball can therefore only be hit after having made a rebound on the ground. This rule, unprecedented in a racket sport, brings all its tactical flavor to the game!

The conquered United States

Nearly 9 million Americans currently play it. This represents an increase of 85.7% compared to the year 2022. This sport even managed to seduce actor Jamie Foxx, who launched his own line of rackets at the end of 2022. In Europe, pickleball has…

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2023-09-03 15:00:00
#racket #sport #gaining #momentum #France


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